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"What? Why?" I ask Ryker in confusion as he puts on his shoes.

"I don't know what is going on but I have to go and you can't come. Don't be fucking stupid while I'm gone" He says without even sparing me a glance before walking out the door. I stood there dumbfounded.

One minute we were sitting on the couch watching a random show then Ryker got a called and bolted out the door leaving me with nothing to do. We ate all of the ice cream as well and he better at least come back with some or he is going to get his ass kicked. 

I look around the now dead silent apartment in confusion, it's been so long since I have been truly alone. The only time I was by myself was when I planned an escaped from him or when one of us was in the shower. 

What do I with myself?

Ryker will be pissed if I watch our show without him, I can't leave and even if I wanted to I'm sure the door is locked from the outside. It's almost lunch time, maybe I can try and cook a real meal.

I pull out my phone and search for easy things to cook, after a couple minutes of searching I find one and get to work.

It can't be that hard to cook a simple stir fry recipe, right?


Update, it is very hard to cook stir fry. I burnt it and maybe started a small fire. But it's fine I got it under control.

By that I mean I ended up putting a frozen pizza in the over and call it a day.

Ryker still isn't back, it's been 2 hours and I bored out of my mind. He made me delete all social medias and deleted majority of my contacts. My phone is bare and boring so I can't entertain myself with that and Ryker seems to get made when I start a new show or movie without him, and for once I don't feel like pissing him off. 

So I sat there on the bed waiting for him to return, for fucking hours.

3 more hour pass as I sit in silence on the bed with my arms hugging my knees to my chest. The sun was beginning to set through the windows and I was becoming sleepy but I'm going to stay up until Ryker comes back. 

My phone dings, singling a text and I see Ryker's name pop up.

From Ryker: I'll be home soon, do you want me to bring back dinner?

I smile at the text and respond with a yes, over the course of weeks we have spent together he has figured out my orders from places around the area so he should be able to figure it out without asking me.

Soon enough the door opens and a very tired looking Ryker walks in with a bag full of chinese take out. I smile at him and get off the bed to meet him in the kitchen.

"You eat, I'm going to go shower" He says before I can get a word out, I nod as he walks past me and into the bathroom. I frown at the door before sitting down and eating the food.

What the hell happened today?


Ryker has been quiet the whole night, we were awkwardly sitting in the living room watching TV and he hasn't made a single comment like he normally does. It was starting to piss me off, every time I asked him what happened he would brush off the question or pretend he didn't hear me. 

I wasn't even watching the TV anymore, I was burning holes into the side of Ryker's head instead. He really needs to pull his head out his ass before I lose my shit. 

"It's rude to stare, Bray" Ryker states looking over at me, I scoff and shake my head.

"It's also rude to disappear all day and not even tell me what happened" I fire back, his jaw clenches at my words and he glares at me.

"I told you before, you have nothing to worry about" He sighs, I move off the chair I was in and sit next to Ryker with my knees to my chest facing him.

"If it was nothing you would tell me. I have spent enough time with you to know when you are hiding something" I retort, he sighs and looks at me, silently begging me to stop but I won't. Clearly something is going on and I deserve to know what is happening. No way in hell is he going to keep information from me.

"Fucking drop it" He snaps, I furrow my brows at him and get off the couch.

"Fine" I say shortly walking to the bathroom. I don't look back at him as I walk in and close the door.  

I turn the shower on and let the water heat up as I take off my clothes then step under the stream of hot water.


Ryker was still on the couch right where he was when I went to go shower, but now his head is in his head. I shake my head at him and walk over the fridge to find a snack. I hear shuffling behind me and soon feel a presence behind me.

"Bray?" I ignore him and grab the container of blueberries. His hand go to my waist turning me to face, he rips the blueberries from me setting them on the counter and then presses me against the fridge. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. 

"Unless you are going to tell me where you were today, don't talk to me" I say, he tilts his head up to the ceiling giving me full view of his neck and the small faint love bites on it. I hold back my smirk and keep a blank expression. He looks back down at me with a soft expression.

"Your dad, brother, and I thought we found a lead on who is behind the threats, but it was a dead end. I'm pissed we didn't find the person and didn't want to flip on you" He admits, I nod and feel a little less tense. At least he finally told me, but I don't understand he wouldn't just tell me. 

My head rest against his chest and his arms pull me closer. He breathes out onto my neck and leaves a few light kisses.

"We don't have any ice cream, we need to go get more tomorrow" I mumble into his chest, he chuckles and another kiss is placed on my shoulder.

"Ok darling" He laughs, I smile and move my hands from his chest to the back of his neck and look up at him with a smile. Ryker smiles down at me and places his hands on both of my cheeks.

"Now if I remember correctly I need to make up for making you work out" He says with a smirk and his eyes turning dark with lust. 

"I think you in fact do" I say breathlessly, his smirk turns into a sinister smile before his hands go to the back of my thighs and turns around placing me on the kitchen island.

"You're not going to be able to walk once I'm finished with you" He whispers in a deep husky voice into my ear, I bite my lip and nod wordlessly at me as his hands pull me against him.

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