n i n e t e e n

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I laid awake majority of the night, deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew something was wrong and that something is going to go wrong. Being locked in by Ryker's death grip helped, but very little. Something was going to happen today and I don't know what to do, if I tell Ryk he is going to think I'm crazy and paranoid. But if I don't tell him and something does happen, it could put us at a disadvantage. 

Ryker began to stir next to me and my eyes shut instantly, I feel his eyes on me and a light kiss is placed on my nose before his arms unravel from around me and he leaves the bed. 

"I know you're awake, Bray" He says from somewhere in the apartment, I open my eyes and see him leaning against the kitchen island.

"Can you make french toast please?" I ask with a small smile suddenly feeling tired and hungry. He smiles and nods. I get out of bed and pour myself and Ryker a cup of coffee, he happily takes it. My eyes stay glued to the front door waiting for an attack. It's coming, today is the day they strike. Whom ever they are.

Ryker nudges me and gives a concerned look that I shrug off and take another sip of my coffee.

"Thanks" I smile taking the plate of hot toast covered in syrup and powder sugar from him, he nods and follows me to the couch where we eat in silence. I don't miss the look he keeps giving me though, maybe he also has a feeling that something is going to happen. But I doubt that's it.

"Can we go back to the ruins today? I want to get out of here today" He just nods and takes our plates to the sink. We both get ready quietly only sharing small glances at one another. 

The minute we walk out the door the pit in my stomach grows larger, I hug Ryker's arm and press my cheek against him. He kisses the top of my head and keeps walking, hopefully taking it as a gesture of intimacy and not one of fear. 

We get closer to the door that leads to the parking garage and my grip on Ryker's arm tightens as my throat feels drier than the dessert.

"Hey, hey, hey I don't mind you holding my arm, but please stop digging for your nails into it" He says putting his hand on top of mine, I let out a breath and loosen my grip.

"Is everything ok? You seem a bit off" I nod and give him a tight smile knowing my voice will betray me if I try to speak. He sighs and keeps moving to the door, I notice the outline of his gun resting in his waistband. I relax a little but stay as close to Ryker as I can. His gun is going to be needed later, I can feel it. 

Ryker pushes open the door and walks us toward the car, then I see it. 

A man leaning against my car, Ryker pushes me behind him and places his hand on top of the gun. The man notices us approaching and an evil smirk forms on his face. My hands move from his arm to the back of his shirt to let him know I'm still right behind him.

"Michael Montgomery, what the hell do you want" Ryker announces, the man's last name sounds familiar but I don't know where from.

"Well turns out my men are completely terrible at what I pay them for, and I had to matters into my own hands" Michael says, I press my cheek to Ryker's back and shut my eyes. 

"So you're behind the threats. Got to say, I didn't see that one coming. After your father and older brother's deaths I assumes you would let the Grey's be. But looks like you're out for revenge" My brows furrow, who the hell is this guy?

"That's bitch's dad killed them, he shot my brother in between his fucking eyes. I'll admit, Martin was far from a saint. But it's time Cade pays the price from ripping my father and brother from my family" Martin, I know that name. Everything they are talking about sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't pinpoint exactly why. 

"Sounds like something between you and Cade, so keep this bitch out of it" All emotion in Ryker's voice has disappeared, it's freakishly calm. I open my eyes and see his back tensed and his grip of his gun is extremely tight, I just want Ryker to shot this guy already so we can leave. I can't hold it together much longer.

"The pathetic little girl behind you is repercussions for all of the pain my cousin and her husband has caused" Then it all comes crashing over me. Michael is one of my mother's vile cousins, she kept us far away from them. It all falls into place. 

Michael is trying to finally take down my dad for him protecting my mom during their youth, and I'm the colleterial. 

A single tear escapes my eye and I press my cheek harder into his back. His hand leaves his gun for a moment and grazes over my stomach.

"Well thanks for telling us, now I must be on my way. I'll take this as a warning" Ryker's voice drops almost to a growl as he speaks.

"No, this isn't a warning" Suddenly Ryker's gun leave his waist band, his free arm goes behind my back and presses me into him. I bunch his shirt in my fists to ensure our closeness and bury my face in his back.

Then the gun goes off, Michael cries out in pain and I hear a car start and speed off. Ryker doesn't move until we no longer hear the car's exhaust.

He lets out a sigh and turns around putting his arms protectively around me. My hands rest on his stomach as he holds me close.

"I'm sorry darling but we need to get out of here" I nod and wait for him to further explain.

"I'm going to call a friend to get my car here while you pack. We'll be gone by dark tonight" He kisses my shoulder and leads us back to the apartment. 

I pack both his and my stuff as he calls someone. My mind is all over the place as I shove our stuff into any bag I can find. An arm goes around my stomach and I jump.

"Woah, it's just me. He's here, come on" I nod and help him get the bags. 

We walk back down and see Ryker's dark Camaro parked just outside the door with a scary looking guy leaning against it. Ryker has a big grin on his face as we approach.

My eyes go wide as we get closer, it's the guy who I say mug the old man the day I met Ryker.

"Ryker, my man" He says with a big smile, they do the bro hug thing and both turn to me.

"You must be Braylon, I'm Ezra. Rykie boy's best friend" I laugh and shake his hand, the boys talk a little more before I watch in horror as Ryker gives Ezra the keys to my car.

"Don't worry, Bray. The car is just going to be check for any trackers and make sure everything is how it should be" Ryker explains as we watch Ezra pull out of the garage in it, I nod and lean into him.

He leads me to the passenger side and opens the door I smile up at him and kiss his check before getting in. 

"I need to make one last call and then we can stop for road trip snacks."  I nod in response and play a game on my phone to give him a little privacy. But his words catch my ear.

"Mom? Yeah I'm good, but can I come home for a bit? Yes, she is with me. Ok, love you too" I raise an eyebrow at him as he looks down at me. He just smiles and places a hand on my thigh, drawing small circles with his thumb. 

I guess, I'm about to meet his mom.

Oh shit.

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