t w e n t y - f o u r -Ryker's POV

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"Ok, everything is back to normal" Cade sighs, I rub my eyes and close my laptop.

"Holy shit, I still can't believe they came after us and used Bray as leverage" Brycen says shaking his head, "Yes, but the important thing is Braylon is safe and back to doing whatever the hell she actually does" Cade answers, we all nod. 

We sit there in silence, and my thoughts linger back to her. It's been almost 3 weeks since I last heard from her, Cade said she was busy getting caught up on schoolwork. Which makes sense, but I still miss her. She was my whole life for those 2 months, my only concern. It's hard to just think she isn't the center of my entire life. 

"Well I have some work to get to, bye" Brycen says getting up, "I probably have some work too, see you around Cade" I say following after him.

"Hold on a second" I slow turn around and look at him, he nods his head in the direction of the chair. Taking a deep breath, I sit back down.

"Clearly you have seen how out of control my daughter can be after the time you have spent with her. And it's become fairly apparent to me, that she has no interest in dating. Normally I would have no problem with this since she is her own person. But, I have been informed she is being extra reckless." He starts, I stay quiet and wait for why this concerns me.

"She has been street racing for awhile now, but last night she almost got arrested for it and supposedly assaulted an officer while getting away. Ever since you guys have returned she has been off her rocker more than usual and something tells me you have something to do with it even if you don't know it. So be honest with me when I ask this. Did anything happen between you two while she was under your protection?" I just stare at him, what the hell was Bray thinking?

"I know I had orders to not get involved with her, but yes. I shouldn't have blurred the lines, and I want to apologize" I say, he sighs and leans back in his chair looking at me.

"I've always liked you, Ryker. You're a good kid, and somehow got my daughter to listen to you. And trust me, I know how hard that can be." He laughs, "Ever since we met, the thought of you and Braylon always lingered in the back of my head. But there was no way in hell I was going to set you up with her like my parents did to me and my wife. When I had you protect her, it wasn't because of your skills. It was because I knew she needed someone who wasn't going to put up with her bullshit. Now, this isn't me being ok with whatever happened between you two nor do I want to know. But if you both want something more serious, I'll approve of that. Just know, if you break her heart, I will not only castrate you but give you a very slow and painful death, understand?" 

"Yes sir, thank you" I say not believing what I was hearing.

"You can go now, and I'm not kidding. I will fucking kill you" He threatens, I nod and leave his office. Rushing to my car I pull out my phone.

To Bray: I'm coming over.


Pulling into her dorm building parking lot, I see her sitting on the stairs. I get out and she runs into my arms.

"Hi" She whispers in my neck, I smile kissing the side of her head. "Hi" I respond into her flower scented hair. She pulls back a little and looks at me.

"I heard you have been causing some trouble recently" She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Just keeping things interesting, I forgot how boring all the people are here" She says scrunching her nose. "I don't think assaulting a police officer counts as keeping things interesting, darling" I answer, she just shrugs and starts pulling me to her dorm.

Once inside the room I push her against the door and lightly kiss her, she smiles against my lips and pulls me closer.

"I missed that" Bray says with a small smile, "Me too" I answer looking down at her. 

"How did you know about the thing with the cop?" She suddenly asks with furrowed brows. I smile and lean against her bed.

"Me and your dad had a little chat" She scoffs and hops onto the bed, I stand between her legs and place my hands on her thighs.

"What all did you talk about?" I sigh and look around.

"He has just been worried about you and your recent choices" I answer, "And he knows about us" I mumble, her eyes go wide and she grabs my face in her hands making me look at her.

"What?" She asks jumping off the bed, I roll my eyes picking her up and placing her back on the bed.

"He knows, because I told him. And to your surprise he is fine with it as along as we are serious and I don't break your heart" I laugh, she groans and leans into my chest. 

I play with her hair as she rests her head against me. Her stays pressed against my chest as she looks up at me. "I'm tired" She mumbles, I smile at her but then notice the dark circles around her eyes. She looked completely and utterly drained, the normal light in her eyes was nowhere to be seen and her little smile isn't there either.

When was the last time she slept and ate a full meal?

"Come here" I say getting on the bed and laying down, Bray curls into my side and puts her leg over my hips. I rub her back as she drifts off to sleep, god I missed having her in my arms.


Bray slept for 3 hours, and woke up very hungry. Now she was laying down with her head on my lap waiting for the food she ordered to arrive, and somehow managed to convinced me to watch those dumb videos she is obsessed with. 

Every now and then she would giggle at once which made it all worth the torture of watching them. Soon enough she got the text her food arrived and went to the door to get it. 

"When was the last time you actually ate a real meal, Bray?" I ask as she inhales the food, she shrugs and doesn't look at me. I frown and watch her quietly, once done and she hugs me. My arms go around her and I kiss the top of her head.

"Everything ok?" She shakes her head 'no' and keeps herself pressed against me. We stay like that for awhile until finally I get her to look at me.

"I just missed you a lot" She quietly admits, I smile at her and tilt her chin to look at me. "I missed you a lot too, darling" 

The rest of the night we stay in her small bed, with her in my arms watching movies. I think we both needed it, after almost 3 weeks of no contact. Being with her reminded me she still is my world, even if she isn't under my protection 24/7. Everything I do revolves around her now, even with her slightly rude remarks and inability to act like an adult most of the time. Bray is mine, even if we haven't fully established what we are yet, she is mine and mine only. 

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