n i n e

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"Why can't we go to the beach?" I yell following Ryker around the small apartment.

"Because it isn't safe" He deadpans while walking around the kitchen making something.

"I think I will be penalty safe with the 6'6 angry man child" I say standing next to him, he sighs and turns to face me.

"It just isn't safe for you to be in a wide open space like that yet. Maybe in like a week" I nod and look down, thinking that made sense. But then I realized this is utter bullshit and I can do whatever the hell I want.

"That's not going to work for me, now but down the kitchen knife. We're going to the mall" I smile and skip over to put on my shoes, he sighs and continues to chop up vegetables. I grab my bag and phone, Ryker continues to cut things up and ignore me.

"You can't keep me locked up in here" I walk over to him and jump onto the counter.

"Actually I can, your life is literally on the line" He answers not even sparing me a glance.

"I'd like to see you try" I smile before hopping off the counter, he puts down the knife and looks at me with his brows raised. A smirk grows on my face and I reach into his pocket grabbing the keys to my car.

"Bye Daddy" I say walking to the door. But before I can open it to large hands cage my head in, my head falls back and I turn around.

"Hand them over" He states in a demanding tone, I sigh and place the car keys in his hands. He puts them in his pocket and his hand returns to beside my head.

"You. Aren't. Leaving." I scoff and shake my head looking back up at him.

"Yes. I. Am." I challenge him, his hot breath hits my face as he looks down at me. He scoffs and shakes his head looking to the side.

"You really want to get out that bad?" He asks, I nod my head and he sighs.

"Ok, tell you what. If you will calm the fuck down and watch a movie or something. We will go out for dinner, ok?" He offers, I smile and kiss his cheek, then skip over to the couch.

I put on a movie and grab the covers of the bed, draping them over me. Ryker stays in the kitchen and the apartment starts to smell amazing. I pause the movie, get up and walk into the kitchen. I peak under his arm and see what he is doing at the stove.

"What are you making?" I ask, Ryker turns around and smiles, "Just wait and see, go sit back on the couch" I roll my eyes and stay exactly where I am.

He sighs at my actions and turns back around, an idea comes to mind and the smirk comes to my face. My arms go around his waist and my cheek is pressed against his back. My hands play with the hem of his shirt and his breathing changes ever so slightly. Slowly one hands goes under his shirt and onto his hard stomach.

"Your stomach is lumpy" I state, Ryker laughs and turns around, his hands find my waist and draw small circles into them.

"Those are called abs, have you ever seen them before" I pretend to think and tap my chin, Ryker chuckles at me and shakes his head.

His smile is perfect

Imma need you to quit thinking brain, better yet die.

"I don't know, my last boyfriend was a string bean" I shrug my shoulders and smile.

"Well, I'm no string bean" He smirks, I look down and smile.

"I can see that" He smiles again and our eyes meet, "Now if you're done, I need to finish making lunch for a certain 20 year old who acts like she is a horny 16 year old" Ryker says, I gasp dramatically and put my hand over my heart.

"I'm offended Mr Lewis" 

"Oh yeah? Good." He deadpans and turns back to the stove, I mutter curses under my breath and walk back to the couch, nestling under the warm blankets. 

Soon Ryker walks over and hands me a steaming bowl of pasta, I smile and eat it while watching Fast and the Furious. Ryker sits on the other end of the couch, also under the blanket. Something about this felt normal, like I could spend the rest of my life doing this. And Ryker made some fantastic pasta


"Come on slow poke" I say pulling Ryker down the boardwalk after dinner, if you are wondering how it went here is a quick recap.

"Ok, so favorite color" I ask before taking a bite out of my pizza.

"I'm not answering that" Ryker laughs, I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat.

"Well what should we talk about?" I say throwing my hands up, he thinks for a couple of seconds and then a smirk forms on his face.

"Favorite position?" His eyes darker when he speaks, and I'm a bit taken aback by his boldness, but two can play that game.

"Depends on where you are and who you're with" I answer, "But I'm guessing if I have to answer, from the back and bent over a table" He nods and finishes his pizza. I watch the gears in his head turn, but then he looks back up with a neutral expression.

"Let's get out of here" I smile and follow him out of the pizza shop.

Now here we are walking along side the beach, well more like running to the ice cream shop I saw down the way. We walk in and the girl behind the counter is basically drooling over Ryker.

"What can I get you, sir?" She says with a big smile, I glare at her and step closer to Ryker. If he can act petty when a teenage boy hits on me, I can do the same. 

"What are you getting Bray?" Ryker asked putting his arm over my shoulders when he most likely saw me glare at the girl who is now glaring at me.

"Uh can I have cake batter in a cone please" I smile at the girl, she glares even harder at me.

"That will be $2.45" She says in a rude tone, I raise my eyebrows but reach for my wallet. Ryker slaps my hand and smiles at me

"I'm paying for us both and I'll have cookie dough in a cone" Ryker says in a bored tone.

That girl nods and grabs the card Ryker gives her, then she turns around to get our orders. I shake my head and walk with Ryker to the other end of the shop. She hands us our cones and Ryker an extra napkin, I take it from his hands and it's her number. I snicker and put it in my pocket.

"What are you planning to do with that?" Ryker asks as we walk out of the shop, I smile up at him.

"Some good old fashion catfishing" He laughs and shakes his head.

"Ok, but I get to be included" I nod and eat the ice cream as we walk back to the apartment complex.

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