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This bitch

He forreal came back asked himself out loud if he should kill me or 'fuck the stupid' out of me and then proceeded to use me a his personal pillow without letting me at least grab my phone from the couch first. 

His hair is fun to play with though, it was soft and fluffy. This position was a little strange for us, even with us sharing a bed we didn't touch, but now he had an arm around my waist and his other hand resting on my hip.

I would even say he almost looked adorable right now, his face is all squished from pressing against my stomach.

Last thing I expected from my stunt was this, things got boring and decided I wanted to see mildly angry Ryker, but got cuddly Ryker. I don't know what to think of it honestly, it was very out of the blue. Like more out of the blue than Ryker deciding he has had enough of my bullshit and tying me to the bed or something kinky like that. But nope, just personal pillow. Which I get though I have used him as a pillow before. And my stomach is a lot more soft and squishy than his shoulder. 

I also too live off ice cream and never work out which adds the squish factor of my stomach, and I know Ryker eats annoyingly healthy and works out because he choses to suffer. I chose happiness that just happens to be in the form of a frozen treat.

Ryker starts waking up and I look out the window pretending I was annoyed even though it was almost nice being like this with him. His arm uncircles my waist as his hands rests on my hips. He looks up to me with sleepily eyes and a small smile forms on my face. 

"Best nap ever" He mumbles, I let out a small laugh and run my hands through his messy hair. He sighs and reburies his face in my stomach for a minute before looking back up at me.

'What time is it?" He ask in a raspy sleepily voice that sends a wave of heat in between my legs.

"Around 7 I think" I answer noticing the red lines running across the side of his face that was pressed against me.

"I'm not making dinner" He says rubbing his face but making no move to get off of me.

"I'll order a pizza" He nods and reaches into his jeans, then hands me his phone.

"Order now" He sighs, I nod and place the order and toss his phone aside.

Ryker stays on me as we wait for the pizza, who would have guessed he is a big softie who likes to cuddle. Well I kind of did, but that's beside the point. He is a big scary looking dude with with tattoos, not as many as my dad but still quite a few. And he is using me as a pillow, which I find endearing. 

A knock sounds from the door and Ryker groans then rolls onto his back finally getting off of me. I get up and give the pizza guy the money, Ryker stumbles off the bed and to the kitchen counter. I open the box and we eat at the counter.




"Not in a million years"

"We are going"

"No we aren't"

"Yes we are, now come on" I say pulling on Ryker's arm, but he just stands and looks at me.

"After your latest stunt we aren't going anywhere and you have penalty of clothes" He answers pulling his arm back which sends me flying into his chest.

"Not for this weather, I promise I won't do anything. Please" I beg, his eyes soften a little as he looks down at me, he mumbles a 'fine' and walks to the door. I smile and walk next to him, and don't get me wrong I was planning on shopping a little but I am planning on fucking with Ryker a little.


We're now walking in a random store in the mall, I actually got Ryker to get some more clothes since he had basically nothing. Then my way of fucking with him caught my eye, a display full of bikinis. 

A smirk falls on my face as I make my way over, grabbing a skimpy bikini to try on. I find Ryker in the men's section once I have the swimsuit hidden under some other clothes.

"Hey can you come with me to the fitting rooms?" I ask innocently, he nods and follows me. He sits on the bench outside the door and looks at his phone. 

What an idiot.

I close the door and slip off my clothes to replace them with a small white bikini that left little to the imagination. Luckily I have bee stings for boobs, so it doesn't matter. I go to tie the back but can't do it, but then I remember why I'm putting this on.

"Ryker?" I say through the door.


"I need your help" I say, he sighs and the door opens. His eyes go wide as he scans down my body.

"Can you tie this?" I ask turning around, he mutters a string of curse words under his breath but ties the strings together. I turn back around and see Ryker looking at the ceiling with his jaw clenched and hands in pockets.

"Do you think I should get it?" I ask looking in the mirror

"No, it's to revealing" He deadpans, I smirk "Perfect" He glares at me and I in return smile.

"Are you going to stay in here while I change or are you going to show common decency and leave?" I say picking up my clothes since I have gotten the reaction I was looking for and will definitely be facing another reaction once we were alone.

"I think I'll stay" He smirks at me and sits on the stool in the corner. Nervous takes over my body as he just stares at me, I didn't expect him to stay but whatever, it nothing I can't handle.

I pull my shirt on and undo the top from under it, then slip my sports bra back on. A glare forms on his face as I don't show anything in the process of changing. I maneuver my shorts and underwear on as well and then slip on my sandals.

"Alright lets go, I got everything I needed" I say, Ryker growls from behind me and follows me out of the fitting room. I pay for the bikini along with a couple more pairs of shorts and sports bras.

We walk out to the car and he still has a bitter glare on his face, the ride home is silent as well. I follow Ryker back into the apartment building at to our floor. Once both inside I drop my bags by the door and smile up at Ryker.

"Thanks for taking me" I say, he also drops his bags and walks forward. his hands grab ahold of my hips and push me against the wall, trapping me between him and it. He lowers his face right next to my ear and my breathing hitches at our closeness.

"You broke a promise, Bray. Do you know what happens when you tease and break a promise?" I shake my head 'no' in response.

"Well you're about to find out" He whispers.

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