Non-Binary "Tommy" (River) pt.2

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Non-Binary "Tommy" pt. 2

CW: Accidental Dead-Naming & migendering


River ("Tommy") coming out to Dream

River coming out to Sam

River's POV:

For the longest time, everyone has known me as Tommy or 'Toms' as my "family" liked to call me, but when I came out to Sam, I just felt like that name didn't fit right. It feels like when you get a shirt for your birthday, that shirt fits you, but at some point, it just stopped fitting you and you've grown out of it. I was talking to Eret about this and how it made me feel bad, and we brainstormed a couple of names, until I found one that felt comfortable for me. River. I can't explain how it felt other than 'right', which is a weird way to describe it but it's the only word that sums it up, the only problem is, now I have to tell people. I already told Tubbo, well it's Tubbo why wouldn't I, but now I have to tell Sam. Sam was really supportive last time so I'm not too worried. I'm also going to tell Dream. "Why Dream?" you ask? Well despite everything this is Dream's server, so I feel like he has the right to know.

Sam's POV:

I was just talking to Eret, when I heard someone call my name, "SAM!" I turned around to see Tommy running to me, I had a small smile on my face and have them a small wave. "Hey Tommy!" I said, seeing them flinch a bit, I noticed, but I will talk to them later about it. "Um Sam, is it ok if I see Dream today, y'know just wanted to update him on what's happening on the server." Tommy asked. "Yeah! Of course, we can go now if you'd like?" they nodded and I said goodbye to Eret and we headed off.

River's POV:

I took a deep breath before I went into the prison and turned to Sam. "Um Sam?" he gave me a small hum in reply, "Do you, do you think you could call me River and not Tommy? Eret and I were talking and", I was cut off by Sam "Of course! I'm glad to know you can tell me things, I think the name River suits you!" he smiled at me. "Do you still want to see Dream or?" Sam asked. I nodded and Sam let me into the prison.

Dream's POV:

Tommy was just entering the prison looking very happy, but also kind of scared.

"Tommy." I started. "Dream. Um could you not call me that?" he asked. I was confused but decided to speak before he could, "Why? Do you hate me that much that I lost name-privileges or something?" he gulped and replied "Dream. Um I'm non-binary, my pronouns are they/them and my name is River, if you could please respect that." I was a bit taken back but softened when I replied "Of course River." they looked surprised "I-I didn't expect you to respect that.". I turned around "Just because I'm the villain, does not mean I get to be a transphobic asshole." I turned back around to River smiling, "I have to go Dream see you later!" they said turning around and running "Bye River." I called to them, that was a nice visit.

A/N: I would like to say I have no idea what happening in the prison arc stuff right now :D

A/N 2: Since this got 50+ votes here is me :D

A/N 2: Since this got 50+ votes here is me :D

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- Bee :D (he/they)

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