Vent (Not a chapter)

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i fucking hate able bodied people. They're gifted with this perfect fucking body at birth and i have to sit here i pain 24/7. 

"I just want u to have a fulfilling life, and this is what the medical professionals say" Like how about you stop listening to the fucking able bodies doctors and start listening to someone who lives with the fucking condition 

"Well but in the future you'll appreciate it" I do not give a shit about that anymore. If thats how it will be then ok i don't care. I just wanna live now. Im fucking 14 i shouldnt have to think about my future like this

They don't have to sit down and be in pain becuase of breathing. Thats never a fucking problem. They dont have to worry about wheather showering will make them pass out or if they can do certain things. Like, you havent and will never go through the shit i go through so stop fucking talking over me.

A/N: Sorry for the vent, shit has just been getting bad today and able bodied people keep arguing with me about my body and won't listen to the things I have to say about it because the doctors clearly know more about my body then I do.

A/N 2: I'm going to write a chapter within the next week or so thats got Tommy and Smajor so stay tuned :)

-Bee <3 (he/it/they)

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