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"Onika?" I called for her but it's like she couldn't hear me. I was about to touch her when her eyes shut briskly. "Nika are y-." I started but I cut myself off when I seen her eyes open again and they were light gray.....They were just dark brown before.

"Hi my name is Nicole you must be Beyoncé."
She spoke with a deep sultry tone as she held her hand out for me to shake it but I just stood there not knowing what to do or say. "Nicki told me you were nice but you seem exceedingly rude to my understanding." She scuffed putting her hand in her lap. "Nicki please tell me this is a joke." I uttered in a worried tone. "I just told you what my name was why are you calling me Nicki?" She dead panned but I didn't even know how to react.

"But you- I- what's going on why are your eyes a different color?" I stumbled over my words because I was so honestly confused. "Oh I get it she hasn't told you." She nodded but I was still confused. "Nicki has multiple personality disorder, I happen to be one of those personalities but I like to think of myself as my own person." She ended with a shrug and I was slowly starting to calm down. "But how do you guys have different eye colors?" I questioned and she stared me right in the eyes which I feel like was meant to intimidate me but it didn't.

"Well Nicki has a rare case of multiple personality disorder that can't be cured so we all have different eye colors that's just the way things are." She shrugged again. "Who are all of you guys?" I wasn't gonna stop asking questions until I got a full understanding of what I was enduring right now. "You ask a lot of questions don't you." She said with a chuckle. "I just want to become familiar with this so I'm not surprised the next time it happens." I answered truthfully.

"Well there's me Nicole, Barbie, Monica, Theresa, Martha, Rosa, Dexter, Loriee, Sakura, Vida, and never last or least Roman." She finished and I just sat there trying to process things. "Do you know why Nicki has this disorder?" Her eyes widened and she pressed her lips together making her dimples pop. "I can't tell you that, you'll have to wait until Nicki feels comfortable telling you. Anything else you would like to know?"she asked as she rested her chin on her fist. "Can you tell me about all of you guys and your eye colors?" I kind of whispered but unintentionally.

"Ok, Barbie's eyes are baby blue, she was born when Nicki was a toddler so she still acts like a toddler but don't tell her that she'll throw a tantrum. Monica's eyes are dark gray and her pupils are so big that if you dim the lights you can't see her eye whites. She's a submissive, she's really freaky, and she doesn't mind getting her hands a little dirty during sex if you know what I mean. Theresa eyes are dark green and she's the biggest party pooper ever honestly she's no fun and all she does is read stupid romance books. Martha is an old sole, very wise and intelligent and she's like the mother of the group.

Rosa's eyes are light green she's Columbian, she was once involved in cartel and now she thinks she's invincible but she cries when she stumps her toe. Dexter's eyes are hazel kinda like yours but a little lighter. He's like a calculator it's crazy you can give him any math problem and he can solve it off of the top of his head and he can say any word backwards perfectly. Loriee's eyes are a half green and half blue. She is such a saint, she's so sweet and innocent and she loves music she plays the flute too.

Sakura's eyes are really close to Onika's but a little darker and her name comes from a character in the anime show Naruto. She's fluent in Japanese and Korean, she loves anime and she a black belt in Jujitsu. Vida's eyes are a really deep blue and let me tell you she is a one tough cookie. She has such a strong boss mentality and she never lets anyone fuck her over, she always knows exactly what she wants and she's always determined to get it.

And finally we come to Roman, his eyes are black which is really supernatural but no one has an explanation for it. He's a ticking time bomb and he's always ready to explode, he's really aggressive in the way he speaks and does things but it's not his fault he can't control it. As for me I'm really chill, laid back, and calm but the others say that I ramble and ask to many questions." As she finished I nodded now having a better understanding of things.

"When is Nicki gonna come back?" I grabbed a cookie off of the baking tray now feeling comfortable enough to move. "Do you want her back now?" she answered my question with a question. "Yes please." I told her politely. "Alright." She responded and repeated what she did earlier. "Nicki?" I said trying to see if she was back. "Omg I'm so sorry please don't think I'm weird, I can't control them I'm sorry!" She bursted into tears like I was gonna beat her for her disorder. I immediately ran to her and hugged her. "Nicki stop crying please it's ok." I tried to comfort her.

"No it's not your probably not gonna ever talk to me again." She sobbed. "Nicki thats not true. Yes I was freaked out at first because it surprised me but I get it and I'm not gonna judge you or just not talk to you because of something you can't control." I wiped her tears feelings so bad for her because people probably have done what I just said I wouldn't. "Promise?" She asked sticking out her pinky. "Promise." I repeated wrapping my pinky around hers.

"Who was it?" She asked looking down. "I met Nicole she was nice." I told her truthfully. "Did she tell you everything?" Her doe shaped eyes where glossy and it made her look ten times cuter. "Yea with an exception of why you have the disorder she said that you would have to tell me that." She nodded but didn't say anything. "You don't have to tell me I understand that it was probably really traumatic for you." I reassured her while rubbing her back.

"Can we just forget about this and do something normal?" Her voice was so soft as if she was trying make that sentence come out as nice as it could. "Yea of course. Wanna watch a movie I'll make some popcorn." I suggested. "Yea that sounds good." She nodded in agreement.

Halfway through the movie
Nika fell asleep and I was up by myself so I put up all of the snacks that we ate away. After I finished putting away the snacks I picked up Nicki, took her to my room, laid her down in my bed, and tucked her in. I went to one of the guest rooms and I went to sleep.

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