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"No get the fuck out of my car I'm about to knock you're fucking head off your shoulders. You lucky I'm giving you a fair chance to square up and I'm not rocking your shit on sight!"I got heated as I hopped out the car ready to beat the absolute fuck out of her bitch ass but Jenny hopped out right after me. "Beyoncé calm down sweetie I know what she did is horrible but please beat her ass after we get the blood for my granddaughter." Jenny said as she grabbed me.

"I understand Beyoncé trust me, I hate to even look at her but we gotta help Onika first." Her voice soothed me as well as her hand that was rubbing my back. "Ok I'm calm now."  I huffed as I got back into the car. For the whole ride I had to restrain myself from reaching back there and strangling her.


They had just now finished the blood transfusion so I was able to go back into the room which made me let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I hated being away from her while she was like this I felt like I needed to be by her side at all times. Once Jenny and I got in the room we saw Carol standing over Nicki as she laid there. "Get out, we don't need or want you here anymore." I spat harshly at her.

"I'm just checking on her-." I cut her off immediately. I didn't wanna hear anything that came out of her sorry ass mouth."I didn't ask you that, get the fuck out...oh and find your own ride home." If looks could kill she would have dropped dead on her way to the door. I didn't even have the energy to beat her ass, seeing my baby in a hospital bed made every bit of fight I had in my body leave. "Baby I'm back." I planted soft loving kisses on her cheek. "My poor granddaughter." Jenny sighed while moving Nicki's hair from her face.

While doing so she looked up at me as I sat down in the cushioned chair beside Onika's hospital bed. "Why are you still hanging on?" Jenny asked suddenly which really confused me and caught me off guard. "What do you mean?" I didn't even wanna talk right now but I didn't wanna be rude. "Onika told me about how most of her ex girlfriends left as soon as they got glimpse of her world, why are you still by her side." My eyes followed her as she sat down beside me. My mind started racing. Why did I stay? Maybe because I couldn't get enough of her.

Was it because of her charming ways, her panty dropping voice, or her heavenly smile that paired well with her ocean deep dimples. "Of course because I love her but....it just felt right. I could tell she needed someone the very first time we talked and I vowed from then on that I would try my best...but I guess my best just wasn't enough." My heart hung heavier the more I spoke and when I finished I bursted into tears while she sat beside me.

"That's not the case at all honeybun. Sometimes people make mistakes, your mistake was walking away but the good thing about mistakes is that you can learn from them." I laid my head in her lap trying to suppress my cries. "No don't hold it in, it's best if you let it out." She said while running her hands through my hair. "I'm sorryyyy." I whimpered through my loud sobs. "Everything is gonna be ok honeybun." I wanted to speak but my uncontrollable sobs bombarded me.

Three weeks later

"Beyoncé I understand that you're hurt but you can't keeping going on like this." My mom was giving me a lecture that I really didn't want. "Ma you don't understand." I made my responses short and quick because I didn't wanna argue with her. " I do though. I understand that your head over heals for the girl and I understand that your in love but you can't keep dragging yourself around on auto pilot Beyoncé. I bet you haven't even ate anything or took a shower." I was so sick and tired of hearing this bull shit from her, I was already going through a lot and all she was doing was adding on.

"No you don't understand, you think you got it all put together but you don't, you don't know half of the shit I go through everyday. Anything I do makes me think of her. I can't even smile without picturing her smiling and laughing too....Sometimes It feels like she touches me or I hear her laughing ma. I'm going fucking crazy and it's scaring me and If eat anything I'll just end up throwing it up so there is no point in trying." When I finished I tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm.

"Ma I'm done talking about this. At the end of the day I'm grown." Her face twisted up in anger. "Beyoncé I'm still your mother and I'm trying to help you but I need you to help me help you." I immediately rolled my eyes. "I don't want your help. All you do is judge me all day knowing what I'm going through." My voice started to crack because I was starting to get emotional.

"I contacted someone I knew who could help you get out of the gutters.." she mumbled. "Who?" I asked sitting up straight. But before she could even answer the door of the hospital room we were in opened. "Kelly!?" My voice came out a bit louder then expected but I was so angry and confused at the same time. "What are you doing here. Leave." She stayed still where she was standing. "Beyoncé please I'm sorry I didn't mean anything that I said that day. Come on you already hit me for it can we please move on from the past, we've been best friends since middle school why throw it away now." She sounded genuine.

I mean she's right maybe we should just leave the past in the past. "Ok but if that ever happens again I'm not forgiving you." I warned her just in case she wanted to pull that bull shit again. "I promise it won't ever happen again." All I did was nod in response.

I know y'all probably hate me for how long I took. I'm so sorry I'm really just running out of ideas....

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