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I was woken up from my sleep by the sound of crying , I looked at my phone to see that it was 8:00am and I dragged myself from the bed. Walking down the hall to my room the crying got louder. As I walked into my room a could see her sitting up in the bed crying while hugging one of my pillows. "Nicki-."  I stopped as she looked up at me and I noticed that her eyes were now a light shade of blue. "Barbie?" I called as I remembered that Nicole said Barbie's eyes were baby blue.

"Wes." She answered in a childish manner. "What's wrong why are you crying." I sat beside her on the bed. "Me was all awone and I no know were I am." She sobbed. "I'm Beyoncé and your at my house." Her eyes widened and she smiled. "You Besay?" She incorrectly pronounced my name but I didn't mind. "Yup that's me." She pulled me into a big hug, I was hesitant but I hugged her back. "Nini tell me about you, her say dat you nice." She was so giddy and cute.

"She did??" I asked in a fake surprised voice. "Mhm, I tell you secret." She said leaning over to my ear. "Her wike you and her tink you booty is big." She said and she started giggling uncontrollably but I just sat there wondering if it was true. "She told you that?" I questioned. "Yup her tell me and Nicole but I have anoter secret." She sat in my lap as she said that and looked at me. "Me wike you too." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you." I smiled thinking about having a chance with Nicki. "Welcome." She said as she laid her head in the crock of my neck.

"Can me sleep wit you?" She whispered. "It's day time now princess." She lifted her head from my neck and pouted. "But me still sleepy." She whined as she rubbed her beautiful blue eyes. Before I could answer her, her phone started ringing. I picked it up knowing that in this state she wouldn't really know what to do with it. "Hello." I answered the phone. "Um is this Beyoncé?" The person asked. "Yea who is this?" I asked.

"This is Lala Nicki's best friend I was just calling to make sure everything was ok she didn't tell me she was staying the night there." She replied sincerely. "Yea everything's fine." I assured her. "Ok tell Nicki to call me when she's free." She voiced. "Ok I will." After that I hung up. I could hear Barbie's light snores in my ear so I knew she was sleep. I tried to lay her down but she started whining and holding onto me tighter.

I eventually decided on just holding her while I did the stuff that I needed to do. I went down stairs and sat on the couch to watch TV when I felt her moving around. "Barbie calm down." She finally woke up but when I looked her eyes were green with hints of blue  and then out of nowhere she got up from my lap and sat beside me. "I'm not Barbie my name is Loriee. It's ok a lot of people get us confused don't feel bad." Ok now this is becoming really confusing.

"Hi Loriee I'm Beyoncé." I said trying to get used to her frequently changing personalities. "Hi your very beautiful." She cooed as she lightly rubbed my cheek and then she gave it a peck. "Thank you but can I please speak with Nicki?" She nodded before giving my cheek another peck and doing the thing that Nicole did to get Nicki back. "Um I'm really sorry about that." She said with a sad look on her face. "Don't be sorry it's ok, I just need to talk to you about something Barbie told me." I said and she immediately put her head down.

"What did she say?" She said not looking at me but I could tell she was embarrassed. "Um she told me that you and her liked me." I finished with a chuckle and she covered her face. "I-Im sorry I didn't know she would say those things I-." Before she could finish I cut her off. "Don't be sorry it's ok I just wanted to know if what she said was true." I said as I lifted her head and moved her messy bed hair from her face. "Uh... yes it's true....if the feelings aren't mutual I understand, nobody wants to date a crazy person." I took her chin firmly in my hands and lifted it again to make her stare me dead in the eyes.

"The feelings are mutual and I know we just met but I can feel a strong connection with you and your not crazy so stop saying that...I want to get to know all 11 of you and learn to love all 11 of you as well. Your different and that's what intrigues me about you. I want to try and help you feel comfortable with the other 11 people who live inside your brain. Nicole told me that it can't be cured so being comfortable is  the best way that you can live with it. I'm willing to try if you are.." I stated softly.

"I want to try." She said as tears slipped down her face but I quickly caught them as they did. "Well then were in this together ok." I whispered to her as our foreheads connected. "Ok." She replied. "Who all did you meet today?" She asked while she rested her hand on my shoulder. "I only met Barbie, briefly Loriee and they were both so sweet." I smiled while playing with the tips of her hair. "Did Barbie get on your nerves I know sometimes she can be a bit much." She said with a guilty expression. "No I liked her a lot. Hearing and seeing you talk like a toddler was the cutest thing ever...Oh and the baby blue eyes were really cute as well." She blushed in embarrassment.

"Thank you." She replied with a small smile.

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