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"Jenny, I missed you." My grandmother chuckled. "You wouldn't have to miss me if you would come see me onika." I put my head down in shame. "Don't put your head down princess it's ok just come see me when you can. I'm getting old ya' know." The energy that radiated off of her was so warm. "Why did you shut us out?" "Because I thought that shutting everyone from my past out would help me."

"Well it's not I want to see you Onika." "But you see me now." "No I don't this is all in your head sweet cheeks but I can feel you and I can feel that you need me a lot right now Onika." "Ok" " Speaking of in your head stop hurting my baby Onika." "What do you mean Jenny" "you brain Onika, stop hurting physical Onika, or your gonna shatter emotion Onika." "I'll try"

"I know you can do it I believe in you and so does Beyoncé. Speaking of Beyoncé she really needs you, it's not your time yet. Don't rush yourself to get up because you need this peace right now but wake up when your ready and don't worry Bey is taken very good care of you, she's the one Onika don't forget..."


Guilt had fully consumed me and my heart hung low as I sat beside my girlfriend in this hospital. She was hooked up to so many machines yet her face looked at peace and that eased my heart a little. "So Ms. Beyoncé Ms Maraj has now slipped into a coma and for the most part she's fine." I felt my heart shatter, a coma really. "What do you mean for the most part, what's wrong with my baby." I questioned firmly. "She needs a blood transfusion." I let out a sigh that didn't seem too bad.

"Alright that's fine take as much of mines as you need." I stood up and pulled my sleeves up. "Well it's not that easy Ms you two have to have the same blood type. Do you know what yours is?" He asked holding his clipboard. "Yea, I'm O positive." He shook his head and immediately tears started to fall from my eyes. "Ms. Maraj is A B Negative which is actually a really rare blood type so we could look through what we have in our blood bank which we might not have any cause again her blood type is really rare or you could call some close relatives of hers and see about them." I already felt bad and it made me feel even worse that I couldn't save my baby.

"Ok I'm gonna go get someone, please don't let anyone in here except Alani Anthony." I said to him. "Ok I'll inform the nurse at the front desk." I nodded as he walked out. "Baby I'm gonna go get your phone make sure to be good while I'm gone I'll be right back baby." I was just talking even though I knew she couldn't respond it was my way of coping with this. As I was about to walk out I saw a small smile appear on her lips.

"Baby?" I called to her but she did say anything so I called the nurse back. "Is everything ok?" He asked stepping into the room. "Is it normal for her to smile while this is happening?" His worried face softened. "Yea that's completely normal. Is that all?" I slowly nodded and he left again. "Alright baby I'm really leaving this time." Giving her a kiss on the forehead I finally left.

I had made it home and I while I was searching for her phone I found that same book from earlier. I grabbed it and put it in my purse. Her phone was nowhere to be found downstairs so I went upstairs to our bed room. The door to that bathroom had been open so I could see all the dried up blood all over the floor. It gave me flash backs of what happened and I almost threw up but before I could I hurried to close the door.

I had finally found Nicki's phone so I was now going through her contacts. She only had four people in there, her therapist, me, Lala, and someone named Jenny. So I went to her and Jenny's text which were years old and from how they were talking I'm guessing it was someone she was close to so I called. She picked up immediately as it started to ring which kinda scared me.

"I was waiting on you to call me." She spoke lowly. "Oh no I'm Beyoncé, Nicki's girlfriend." I responded and she chuckled. "I know. I'm her grandmother." Huh how did she- I thought. "O-ok well Nicki needs help she's in the hospital and she needs A B negative blood, do you have it or know anybody else who does?" I said getting straight to the point. "No I don't have it but I know who does, I'll send you my address and you could come get me and I'll take you to them." I was happy that she was straight to the point as well I didn't want to spare any time knowing that my baby's life could be on the line.

Me and Onika's grandmother where now in the car on the way to the persons house that she knew was A B negative. To say her grandmother gave me good vibes was an understatement, her energy was just through the roof and it felt like if I stood close enough to her that it would rub off on me and it kinda was. I started feeling more hope for Nicki and determined to get my baby the blood that she needed and no one was going to get in the way of that.

"So Beyoncé how did you and my grand daughter meet?" I was kinda nerves but it wasn't a bad nerves, I wanted her to like me. "We met at Starbucks and I saw her and paid for her coffee." I chuckled at how corny that sounded. "You're fine with me as long as you're in the good graces of my grand daughter." I nodded in response, that was good enough for me.

We finally pulled up at a small yellow house with two cars in the front. I let Onika's grandmother go in by herself and I pulled out my phone to call Lala cause she should be with Onika right now. "Hey Lala." I could hear her softly crying through the phone. "H-hey Bey."  She stuttered. "It's gonna be ok Lala I promise." I tried so hard not to cry with her. "I know but we had worked so hard on this. She promised that she was done with hurting herself, she told me she was better." I couldn't even hold it anymore.

"I'm so sorry it's all my fault I shouldn't have left because of something so stupid, I'm so sorry."I broke down hitting my head on the window. "Bey d-don't blame yourself you didn't know." I laid my head on the window. "I-I'm gonna go bey." She sniffled. "Ok talk to you later Lala." I hung up and rested my face in my hands.

"Carol don't say a got damn thing when we get in here." I heard so I looked up at the name Carol it sounded familiar. The women looked just like Nicki but older and I couldn't put my finger on why I knew her name. "Uh hello I'm Nicki's mother." My eyes immediately got huge.

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