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Next Day
"Bey!" I yelled for her but she didn't answer. "Bey!!" I yelled again but this time louder and still no answer so I went searching for her. As I walk up the stairs I could hear her talking on the phone. "You know I love you.....I've been busy but I'll come see you when I can....cook something for me too........yea you know exactly how I like it...ok bye love you." As she hung I automatically started to think the worst and tears started to fall from my eyes quickly. "Hey nic whats wrong?" She had caught me just standing there on the stairwell.

"I was calling you and you couldn't hear me because you were on the phone talking to your other girl friend." I say calming as I started to walk away from her. "What are you talking about?" She asked pulling me back by my arm. "I heard you on the phone talking to some girl saying how you loved her and that your gonna go see her!" I tried to fight her grip but she was to strong. "Let me go!!" I shouted hitting her in the chest as I sobbed. "Stop and let me explain." She said still trying to pull me into her. "No, let me go." I said more calmly still hitting her.

"Baby it's not what you think it is at all." She grabbed both of my hands to make me stop hitting her. "N-no y-y-you said tha-that it was me and you against the world, n-not you me and someone else." I broke down thinking about the fact that I wouldn't have bey by my side anymore. Without me even notice she had picked me up and brought us to the couch. "Baby you know I would never do anything like what your thinking." I shook my head. "Your l-lying." I tried to get up from her lap be she still wouldn't let me go.

"Listen to me nic." She grabbed my face making me look at her. "That was my best friend, I called her because we haven't talked in a while since I've been busy with you. We've been best friends since I was 10 nic of course I'm going to tell her I love her because I do. If you wanna meet her that's fine we can set up a day whenever you want so calm down nika." I immediately felt stupid. "I'm sorry." Guilt laced in my voice as I put my head down.

"It's ok Nika." I buried my head into her chest not wanting to look at her because it would make me feel more guilty. Just thinking about it I started to cry again wetting up her shirt. "Nika why are you crying baby, I told you it's ok I'm not mad." She rubbed my back trying to console me. "I'm so sorry for hitting you Bey, all I did was make myself look stupid." I sobbed. "It's ok and stop saying that you didn't look stupid you just needed clarification and I gave you that. It's over baby calm down." I sighed as I stopped my self from crying.

I lifted her head and I looked into her eyes. They were glossy and her eye whites were red. "Your so beautiful." I told her as a huge smile took over me face. "Thank you." She blushed while trying to turn away from me. "Don't turn away, I wanna immerse in your beauty." I still held her face in my hands. "Remind me of why you didn't run for Ms. Universe again." She giggled and blushed more. "Beyyyy." She whined.

"They say looks get you nowhere but with this beauty you could run a country baby girl." I said before giving her multiple pecks on the lips. "Your so-." Before I could even finished she smashed her lips into mine. Her lips were so soft it was like kissing clouds and we've kissed before but it still amazes me. I pulled back to look at her to make sure she didn't change. "It's still me." She said knowing what I was checking for. "I wanna go all the way Bey." She looked at me with so much lust and I was confused on where this came from all of a sudden.

"Where is this coming from Nika?" I questioned . "It's coming from me and her." She said pointing in between her legs. "I'm really sure about this, I wanna do it. I trust you with my body." I could tell that she was ready because I couldn't see any hesitation in her which scared me. "T-There's something I never told you." I said not really looking at her anymore. "What is it?" She had a confused look on her face. "I'm not a normal girl..." The confusion still stood on her face.

"Ok what makes you not "normal"." She air quoted with her hands. "I um I am a uhh an intersex." I stumbled over my words. "Really?! That's so cool." She smiled and it really shocked me that her reaction was positive. "How come I've never felt it like now I don't feel it." She said scooting back and forth on my lap. "That's because I tuck." She nodded and stopped scooting. "So is that all?" She asked looking up at me. "No." I kinda whispered. "Ok go on." She responded as she got comfortable in my lap.

"I'm a virgin." I also whispered. "Why didn't you tell me that Bey?" She kinda yelled. "Because it's embarrassing being my age and a virgin." I defended. "I wouldn't have tried to have sex if I knew you weren't ready." She face palmed herself. "Who says I'm not ready?" She side eyed me. "The fact that it took this long to tell me says that your not ready so we'll wait." She tried to get up from my lap but I pulled her back down. "Where you going?" She laughed. "To use the bathroom Bey let me go." When she said that I unwrapped my arms from around her waist. "Damn that ass fat ma." I shouted after whistling at her while she walked up the steps and she just kept walking.

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