Chapter Pine-ing: Got the club going up on a Wednesday

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im back bitches? havent watched these dudes in years but im tryna get back into writing so here we are. kinda upset no ones acknowledged my genius chapter titles but its cool. its fine. nw

It was two days later. Wednesday had finally arrived, and Ryan was waiting anxiously by the window, fidgeting with the collar of his black button up. He had decided on that and a pair of dark blue Levi's, complemented with his new pair of Doc Martens he had picked up the previous day. While his eyes darted to the window for the 10th time, he began to doubt himself. Was his fit too formal? Not formal enough? The young man was about to turn towards his bedroom, when he heard a familiar car turning into his driveway and small honk. All doubts were replaced with excitement as he launched himself out the door to his waiting friend.

When he had successfully strapped himself into the passanger seat, he turned towards his Shane. His Shane? Fuck. I cant be saying that yet, this is only our first date, Ryan berated himself. Wait, was this a date? Panic was about to set in, but that gorgeous fucking smile Shane threw at him melted all worries away. Ryan smiled back, a small, nervous smile.

"You look great," the dirty blonde said quietly, "really great."

"Thanks, man," Ryan blushed, noticing the man was dressed in a plain white t, a deep blue denim jacket, and finally a pair of nice black pants that accentuated his lengthy legs.

"So do you."

Shane grinned, causing the other mans blush to deepen. The taller felt like his heart could melt out of his ass right now. Then, realizing that he'd been staring at his friend for a bit too long, he coughed awkwardly, started the ignition and began to back out onto the street. This was going to be a long night.


The two men walked into the stuffy crowded club, craning their necks to try and spot Sara and her plus one over the horde of people dancing, and grinding against each other.

"Do you see them?" Shane yelled over the deafening beats the DJ was whipping up. The lanky man glanced down at his shorter companion, awaiting a response. He was met by a shouted "What?" and was about to repeat himself, when Sara and- fucking great- Ashly sauntered up to them, beers in hand. Ryan inwardly groaned, thinking this night could not end well.Shane noticed the raven's sudden discomfort, but pushed his concerns aside for the two women were now in front of them, offering each a beer. The shorter of the two men immediately took a long chug from his bottle, earning a confused and concerned glance from his friend. He gave Shane a small smile, hoping that would suffice. It didn't, but since they weren't alone, the latter decided not to push the subject. For now.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it!" Sara exclaimed, giving each a hug and pulling Shane from his troubled thoughts.

"Of course," the dirty blonde smiled warmly, "wouldn't miss it for the world."

Ashly rolled her eyes and laughed. Ryan hated it. How could she just stand there and pretend that just a few days ago, she wasn't fucking his girlfriend? Ex- girlfriend, the man reminded himself. He caught himself from shooting the woman in front of him a scalding look. Instead he plastered on a fake smile, hoping he could make it through the night. He knew he could, as long as Shane was by his side, a warm rock to ground him in the moment. The raven instinctively reached for the other man's hand, immediately regretting it. However, before he could take his hand away, Shane clamped onto it. Both men glanced at each other, blushing furiously, but neither removed their hands from the embrace. Ryan could get used to this.After seeing the slightly hurt look in Sara's eyes, Shane felt a rush of guilt. He pushed that aside too, though, telling himself to focus on having a good time with Ryan on their... well, he wasn't sure what this was.


By the end of the night, all four companions were stumbling out of the club, giggling at god knows what. The sting of the fresh air had Ryan subconsciously seeking out his taller friend's warmth, and before he realized what he was doing, snaked his arm around Shane's waist, earning a shy grin. The raven-haired male found himself looking down, cheeks flushing.

This was all new to the man. Before.. IT happened, he had never once doubted that he was straight, but now, he knew that all that mattered was making sure his gorgeous, tall friend went home with him and no one else.

Sara and Ashly, sensing the moment, decided the tha bois needed to be alone. They migrated towards the end of the block before calling a Lyft and heading home, unbeknownst to the two men who were lost in each other's gaze.

Ryan knew what he had to do. Maybe it was to soon after his break-up, but he couldn't care less because in that moment, he knew exactly what he felt towards his close friend. Love. Plain and simple. He was in love with his friend, and co-worker, Shane Madej. And he was beyond happy.

"Uh," the shorter of the two started awkwardly, "would you- well- do you think you might- er..."

Ryan looked down, cheeks burning even redder out of embarrassment. Little did he know the effect it had on his lanky friend.

"I would love to," Shane replied, as if knowing exactly what the shorter man was thinking. The latter gave a wide smile, and 15 minutes later they were cuddled up in Shane's bed, drowsy and content.

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