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Ryan froze in his fetal position on the couch when he heard the front door slowly creak open. His initial thought was surprisingly not ghosts, but a burglar and he sighed in relief at the scattering of paws on the wooden floor.
Slowly, he sat up, just in time for one of his dogs to jump up on his lap and yap in his face. The depressed man smiled and ran a hand over the small pups head which then leaped back onto the floor to begin wrestling with the other dog.
Before Ryan could pick himself up off the couch, he was joined by his new ex-girlfriend. Without looking at her, he went for the kitchen. Even if she had fucked him up, he would still be polite and get her a drink.
A couple minutes later, he walked back in the living room holding two glasses of Dr. Pepper™️.
"The dogs are mine," Ryan began, shoving a glass roughly into Helen's hands. He remembered that politeness wasn't really his thing. Or maybe that's Shane.. Whatever.
"What?" Helen put her glass down, standing up to face her ex-lover. She had a fierce look on her face, but it had no effect on the seething man. One look at his rage masked face and she lost all confidence she had possessed before.
"I get that you're upset with me, but I didn't do anything wrong. It's not like I chose to be lesbian to spite you."
"THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT, HELEN," he broke, tears streaming down his face as he practically spat. The dogs cowered behind the two of them.
"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING RAT'S ASS IF YOU'RE A LESBIAN. YOU. CHEATED. ON. ME," Ryan's voice started going hoarse as he threw a coaster across the room in hysterics. Helen sat, too scared to keep herself up, on the verge of tears while the man above her advanced.
"I'm sorry," she whispered pathetically.
"Sorry doesn't cut it. You could have told me BEFORE you went and fucked Ashly," the raven spat. He had calmed down quite a bit, but he was obviously no where near to forgiving her.
"The dogs are mine. I adopted them, so I'm keeping them. Both of them."
Ryan turned away from the pitiful woman before him, crossing his arms, waiting for her to leave.
Helen hiccuped, reaching an arm out to turn him back towards her.
"Ryan, please," she sobbed, "I'm sorry, I really am -hic- Please forgive me."
The male's heart twinged in pity and he sighed, dropping onto the couch next to her. He took a sip from the glass, slowly, then carefully placed it back down on the coffee table before swiveling his upper body to face the sniveling mess.
When he saw her face, streaked with mascara and concealer, his heart throbbed with empathy and he placed a hand over her own.
Helen looked at him desperately; she was truly sorry.
"Whatever," Ryan started, looking down at  his lap, "Just- Just don't talk to me for a while... I'm- I need space."
He finally looked at her once more and she nodded, gripping his hand in her own before getting up and walking towards the door. She opened it, but before walking out, she turned to look at him one last time, a small, sad smile spreading across her lips.
"I love you," she said quietly and with that she was gone.
Ryan smashed his face into a throw pillow and groaned before getting bombarded by two balls of fluff. For the first time in a while, he laughed and it felt good. Really good. His dogs meant everything to him and they were there for him during the darkest of days. He owed everything to these little guys, so he was overjoyed that winning their custody was that easy.
His problems remained unsolved, though. There was still Shane.
Ryan had given a lot of thought to the whole debacle on his little vacation. Yes, Shane shouldn't have take advantage of him like that, but then again, Ryan hadn't tried stop him. In fact, he had encouraged it. And then he went and shoved Shane away, definitely hurting the older man with harsh words and stinging looks.
He sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time those past couple of days and grabbed his phone. He thought he might as well talk to his friend while he was still feeling better.
"Hey dude. We gotta talk. I'm really sorry for being such a douche, but, I mean, you can't really blame me. I still shouldn't have acted like that, though... Please come over soon."
The raven's thumb hovered over the send button as he bit his lip, contemplating his words. Looking away, he pressed send and chucked his phone across the couch, burying his head in the cushions once more.
As he was joined by his furry friends, his phone chimed, signaling he had received a text, but he decided to wait a bit before checking it.

A couple hours later, Ryan's focus on Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian was broken when he heard a car pulling up his driveway. He clicked the TV off, checked his phone for the time, and noticed a text from Shane: "I'll be there in a couple hours. 3:56PM"
"Ah, shit," Ryan grumbled to himself because it was now 6:17PM. He was slightly happier, though. Shane had actually come. The young man smiled to himself as he walked to the front door, just in time to open it after Shane had quietly knocked.
"Hey..." the older man greeted Ryan, looking down and fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. The smaller man stepped forwards, wrapping Shane in a tight hug. He sighed in relief when the embrace was reciprocated and snuggled into his chest.
Shane blushed, burying his face into Ryan's hair. Both men's apologies were felt through the warm hug and they de tangled themselves when two excited pups started jumping on their legs.
Ryan giggled, causing the brunette to grin as he stooped down to scratch one of the doggo's head.
Shane was then lead over to the couch, closing the door behind them and they both sat down, joined by the raven's little bubs. The younger man turned the TV on once more, earning a sarcastic groan when Revenge Body filled the screen.
"What is up with you and the Kardashians?" Shane laughed, nudging the smaller man.
"As a matter of fact, I find their lives to be very interesting," Ryan hid a smile while playfully crossing his arms and turning away.
"I'm sorry," Shane brought a hand to the other's shoulder and, confused, Ryan turned to face him. He was met with a sincere and guilty expression, so he took the hand into his own.
"What do you mean?" he started slowly, cocking an eyebrow, "It's just a show."
Shane shook his head, taking his eyes away from the smaller man's searching gaze.
"No, no," he sighed, "I'm sorry for... for making you-"
He was cut off by a soft hush from Ryan.
"It's not your fault, Shane," he said softly, turning the other's face back with his free hand, "I could've stopped you, but I didn't- I didn't want to."
Shane looked at the raven, surprise etched across his features. Before he could reply, he was brought into a sweet, gentle kiss.
Ryan pulled away, face flushed, then looked back with an embarrassed grin. Shane laughed, finding it to be childish, but adorable. He grabbed the smaller man by the waist and tugged him into his arms, leaning back in the cushions, so the raven could snuggle into his torso. They stayed like that for the rest of the evening, occasionally stealing kisses until they were both ready to hit the hay.
Shane had assumed he should go back to his apartment, but was tugged off the couch by a yawning Ryan and led to his room. They stripped themselves of all clothes besides their underwear and climbed under the covers, the smaller man scooting into the taller's chest.

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