35 Marriage

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Part 35 Marriage

Aman came to RM because Arnav called him by phone as he wanted to meet him.

*Why did you call me ASR?*

*You already knew I'm tracking my Dadi's number...*

*Yeah I know...*

*Now, we are in need of tracking Kamini Devi too...*

*But why?*

*I don't trust her... we can't take her easily.*

*Ok... leave it on me. I will track her*

*That's what I want*


Arnav handed him a phone and a Bluetooth device.

*Take it...*

*Do you want me to record all her conversation...?*

*No need... it's an automatic recorder phone...*

*Ohh... But ASR, You are getting married tomorrow... do you think still, they have to be tracked?*

*Their Royal blood won't allow them to be quiet...they will never accept an employee's daughter as a Royal family's daughter-in-law*

*You don't have to bother about them. I will take care of them*


*Yeah...I'm leaving ASR*

*Ok... be on time for the marriage...*

*Yeah sure...*

Aman left RM.

Having dinner, Arnav got back to his room. He couldn't get sleep thinking about Subhadra. However, he secured RM with police protection. But... the real problem is inside the RM... in the form of Subhadra. She will try to harm OR blame Khushi in every way and he couldn't let it happen. The old ladies are dangerous than he estimated. They have to be watched closely. That's why he wanted to track Kaminidevi.

Leaving their tension behind, Arnav lay down on the bed thinking about Khushi. She will be here tomorrow as his wife. He smiled, closing his eyes.

In the guest room

Garima handed a bank book to Khushi.

*What's this Amma?* Khushi opened it. Her eyes widened as the huge amount had been deposited on her name.

*My savings...I saved it for you from the time your father died...*

*Why you gave me? It's you who needs it more...*

*I have enough money for myself and I'm a working woman. I will earn for me...*

*But Amma...*

*I want you to be secured...that's why...Keep it as your marriage gift*

Khushi hugged her.

*Thank you Amma...* she said emotionally.

Marriage day

Khushi didn't come out of the room until lunch. She was nervous for the first time. After all, it's her marriage.

Arnav was roaming all over RM to get a glimpse of Khushi and got only disappointment. He decided to go to her room. After all, he is Arnav Singh Raizada...

He knocked on the door and Khushi was the one who opened the door as Garima was busy with Ratna. She got stuck, seeing her Groom. She tried not to show her nervousness.

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