5 The Girl

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Part 5 The Girl

When Arnav came to RM, it looked silent. It seemed the party was over. Raizadas were waiting for him in the living room.

"Where is Chutki and Garima aunty?" he arrowed the question while walking in.

Arvind and Ratna looked at Subhadra silently. They understood that where is he coming from. He should have gone to Gupta's old house. For the very first time, Arvind became panicked. He took Arnav very coolly. He never expected that Arnav would be stubborn in this matter. He was just fourteen years old when he promised to Avinash. Avinash was on the deathbed at that time. Though he promised before at the time of Shashi death Avinash remembered it once again to Arnav before he left the world. Arvind's thought got broken, hearing Arnav's high pitch tone.

"They are not in their house," he yelled.

"It's because they are not here. They left Delhi long ago and went to Lucknow" Subhadra said without any expression on her face.

"But why?" Arnav asked shockingly.

"They wanted to shift to their home place as their relatives are there."

"Relatives? Are they more important than us?"

Subhadra got struck as she didn't expect this question. Arvind gulped hard, understanding the depth of his question.

"Why did you let them go? Why didn't you stop them?"

"What can we do if they want to go? How could we interfere with their decisions?"

"We can... they ought to be with us. It was Dadu's wish."

"Try to understand Arnav. We can't force anyone."

"Okay, give me their address"

"We don't have their address..."


"But I can get it through someone. Just give me two days."

Arnav sighed.

"I can't believe this. How could you people be so irresponsible? Is this what your respect for Dadu?"

Arvind bowed down could not stand Ratna's look which was pricking him deeply.

"Why are you getting tensed Arnav? Their circle is very small just like their village. It's not that much hard to find their address. I will give you the address in just two days as I told you."

"If I don't get the address in two days, you will lose MY ADDRESS (he stressed) forever..."

"Arnav... we are not your enemies, understand that."

"I understand well, Dadi... then and now. Dadu warned me already..."

"Trust me Arnav..."

"Trust.... Damn..." He left the place murmuring.

Subhadra Raizada was standing like a statue. She should not have taken Arnav easily. He is a miniature of his grandfather, same attitude... same stubbornness... same anger... She has to do something to stop him. Or else he will definitely lead her to difficulties. She left to her room, not looking at Arvind and Ratna.

Arnav removed his coat and threw it on the floor. What the hell is this...? How could his family be so careless? Are not they having an interest in this marriage? Is something wrong here? He waited for Ratna but she didn't come to his room. She knew she can't answer Arnav's question. Arnav was sitting on the bed irritatingly.

Arvind was pacing here and there in his room. It looks like he is going to get crushed between his mother and son. He knew no one can change his mother. He thought he could change his son's mind but it does not seem easy... correction... it seems there is no chance to change his mind. He talks exactly like his father Avinash.

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