Chapter 10 part 2

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Noelle managed to get ahold of herself and wiped away the tears of grief from her cheeks.

Her makeup was smudged and she sniffled a little, but she tried not to let me see her emotions.

"Is that why you have some kind if note stashed on you? Is that why you came?" I asked aloud. "Wait, wait, how did you even get out of there?"

"I dug my way out," she laughed as if it was crazy. "I dug my way out with a fucking spoon."

"Wait you dug your way out? How the hell does that work?"

"In the kitchen, there's a stove. Behind that stove is a whole, large enough for me fit through. Wires and cables were everywhere between the two walls and dirt was flowing through the other side," she shook her head in glee. "I'm completely honest when I say it took me two years and 5 punishments to dig that damn thing."

I could see the pride in her eyes as she told me how the kitchen was underground, next to the basement. How she had been caught out late, and how rare these little trips were for her. Yet even as she showed me her palms, their grooves being deeper and scars across the fingertips, she was happy. Happy she had found an escape.

"You don't understand how much I would love to just, live. Run free, like our kind is meant too."

"So leave. Run." I pushed, looking around though knowing I wouldn't find a Rogue.

She scoffed. "Like I said yesterday , it's easier said than done. The fact that my scent is embedded to wolves inside that Rogue institution forces me to live there. I'm lucky they were dumb enough to install an oven in front of a shitty wall."


"We live in the middle of fucking nowhere. This is just a little town on the edge of the water, no body knows this place," she gulped the whole water down before swinging on the chair's hind legs. "Don't you think a missing Were and a perfume stench around the area would be a little suspicious?"

"Then how are you out here? Wouldn't they have people patrolling the area?"

"Surprisingly, no, I'm not sure about the Rogue's though,"

I sighed and shook my head. I had bubbled on and on to tell her to leave and yet, I had no plan at all. What was I thinking?

But as I continued to think, I knew that even with no plan, I still wanted to help. Even if it put me in danger, and even if it put my at risk.

As I continued to look out at the twinkling stars, I wondered why I had even jumped into this situation. I had a limited percentage of getting out of this alive. I still had a target on my back with Jack, and this would just make it double.

Maybe a part of me (and this part we're talking about is a very, very small part) had hoped that Cole would choose me. He would help us, help me. Even as preposterous as it sounded, I still hoped.

Because I knew how strong the bond between two mates were. And I wished that we could, in some twisted way, overcome this.

"Lily!" I snapped my eyes to a pair of manicured fingers, snapping at me.

"How do you even get manicures in there? I thought they were cruel," I wondered aloud.

"We have to look pretty for the Rogue's," she didn't have to add the 'unfortunately', because I could see it in her eyes.

"So what are we going to do? You have a way out, but can be easily tracked down, do you think you could just run and travel to the other end of the Earth?"

"There's too many stories to choose from, that I could tell, that'd make you instantly distinguish that thought," she let out a loud sigh and glared at me. "Didnt you have a plan? After all, you are the one who told me to leave."

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