Chapter 19

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Cole's POV

I barged through the door, a question slipping between my teeth before I could register it.

"Are you my uncle?"

Jack looked up from the papers on his desk, raising a cunning eyebrow. Silence grew as he pondered over my figure and I felt as if I had made a mistake.

"Well, good afternoon to you too my nephew. But seeing as you probably didn't register that last endearment for the past twenty years, I'd better save that line for another day."

"That didn't answer my question," I ground out. My eyes trailed over his figure and I raised an eyebrow at my own audacity. Jack looked similar to me in both features and personality. Why did Ben's words make me think differently?

"Didn't I? If I recall - and I do - did I not call you 'nephew'?"

"If I recall - and I do - you told me since I was a child to not believe a word anyone says." I raised an eyebrow of my own.

"Uh uh uh, son. Now if I recall - and believe me, I whole-heartedly do - I said, and I quote, "trust no one other than your own blood." So tell me Cole. Do you trust me?"

I wasn't one to second guess myself, but suddenly, I was unsure. I was sitting on a fence, not knowing which side to fall off on, and it began to scare me. Never had I really been in this position. Ever since Lily had walked into my life, suddenly my eyes were seeing parts of gray in a bleak black and white world. Possibilities of love, and uncertainty. Things I never thought I'd posses or even like. These things I thought I didn't need.

But the question remained. And if I didn't answer, God knew how Jack would react.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

"Humor me, Cole. Tell me how you feel."

I felt angry, uncertain, irritated, worried, nauseous, and an array of emotions I never thought could churn through my stomach. One stood out from all of them and I had feared it ever since I ran into Lily: Love.

It was a weird emotion. It played havoc with my mind, yet made me feel light, like I could take on the world. I still feared it, seeing as I never knew how long it had been in my system. But speaking about it as if it were a disease wasn't helping.

Speaking of disease's.. My mind still worried over Lily.

Instead of spilling secrets to Jack, I straightened my back and looked at him dead in the eyes. The intensity should have made him flinch but he stared back with as much ferocity.

"Nothing, uncle," I lied for the first time in my life. "I'm feeling absolutely fucking nothing."


Lily's POV

Maria picked me up from Rose's house. Apparently Rose was a good friend with her because they chatted animatedly. As I stared at Rose, it seemed almost a if she was intimidated or scared of Maria, but I shrugged it off.

"Come on, Lily. You need to have a nice hot shower at home." Maria spoke.

I departed ways with Rose. The old woman smiled with a sort of relief as she waved us away.

When we arrived, I noticed Luke's truck still missing from this morning. I instantly worried, my heart pounding away with anxiety.

"Is Luke alright? Did you manage to get in touch with him?" She worried.

I blinked at the spot once more, hoping my eyes were deceiving me. They weren't.

I looked away into the rain.

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