Chapter 11

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I ran.

Someone - no, something - was chasing me. Their steps were being broken by branches, the snap echoing in my mind like a reminder.

Reminding me that this was real.

Tall, thick trees blocked my path, as I tried to weave my way between them. They seemed to always be in front of me, and I couldn't get away. The trees were surrounding me, crowding me, rendering me helpless.

A growl emitted from behind me and I forced my body to quicken, despite the fear instilled in me. My joints were beginning to ache, the fabric of my clothes torn and scratchy against my skin.

Suddenly, my feet were swept beneath me. I watched the ground come closer, the sticks and stones becoming larger, until I screamed and closed my eyes. I had fallen. Hard.

I looked back, my eyes searching for the beast hunting me down, but couldn't find anything. Instead I tried to scramble up, my hands grasping anything I could touch. But I fell uselessly back on the ground, crying out as a the sharp twigs stabbed my hand.

"Help!" I screamed, tears threatening to spill. I heard another branch snap behind me, feeding my fear. "Help!" I pleaded once more. The call was unheard.

I tried once more to leave, to not remain defeated and completely at the disposal of my hunters action, but a booted foot pressed down on my back. It forcefully pushed me until I was back on the ground completely flat.

Suddenly, boots were surrounding me, along with a few meaty paws.


The boot on top of me lifted, but connected to my side. I cried out, and held onto the wound as the pain spiraled within me. I wouldn't make it out of here. At least not alive.

Another kick forced me to roll over. I cried out again but it wasn't from the pain.

It was because the boot's owner was Cole.


"Lily!" I flinched, opening my eyes.

Luke stood next to me, looking worried. He had a frown on his face as he held my shoulder. "Are you okay? You're crying."

I blinked to feel that my eyelashes were wet and tears were still sliding down my face. I swiped at them. "Just a bad dream. One I've been having quite a few times recently."

I shook my head. They were always the same, never unchanging. Always being chased, always feeling the pain, always seeing Cole. I cleared my thoughts with another shake of my head.

"Did you want to talk about it?" He offered, his hand still on my shoulder.

"Not really," I yawned, shoving the blankets of my legs. His frown deepened.

"Are you sure? I have time."

"I'm okay," I gave him a smile. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"Why would you ask that? I'm more than okay," he said quickly, pulling back.

"You've been acting weird lately. What's wrong?" I got out of bed, and stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm worried about you, Lily. They would have realized by now that you're not dead." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Then let's consider this a blessing. Besides.." I gulped looking on the floor. "Didn't you go out a few nights ago."

"I go out each night, you-"

"No, I mean the raid. Did you go out, and did you participate in the raid," I snapped closing my eyes.

I heard him let out a sigh. "Yes."

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