Chapter 3

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Bakugou POV
I woke up in my room on my bed with hero I go downstairs still holding him and go to mommy "hi baby did you have a nice nap" " mhm" " ok ...I need to tell you something but can you help me pack you're toys I already packed everything else" "ok mommy" so we go up to my room and start sorting the toys I wanna keep and the toys I wanna take with me it was hard to decide but I was able to do it after a while we finished packing so we sat in the living room so we could talk " hey kat me and you're teachers were talking and I think you should stop the whole act" "what why" " I feel like there going to find out and I'm pretty sure there not going to take advantage of you" she said I started thinking but then quickly replied "no no no even if they don't take advantage of me there still gonna make fun of me" I say with a pout that made mommy chuckle "hey baby don't worry I'm sure there not gonna make fun of you but if they do I'll punch them right in the face ok" I chuckle a little and hug her "fine but can you come with me pleassssss" I say with puppy eyes she ruffles my hair and nods .
Time skip
It was finally the day the day I start living in the dorms and have to tell my biggest secret to my class I was nervous of course but mommy was going to be with me so it didn't matter oh yeah principle nezu allowed my mom to stay with me for the first day just to make sure that I was fine it was Sunday so we could do whatever we want we packed everything in the car and got in I spaced out a little and we were finally there I saw a lot of people outside holding boxes and moving in but non of them had there parents which honestly made me feel small I just kept thinking what they would say *oh the baby got his mama to help him what a mamas boy he probably always needs help she probably kisses his booboos* I thought on the verge of tears "hey don't worry when we get out you're going to act normal and everyone will love you ok baby" " mhm" I mumble as she gave me a hug we get out of the car and get the boxes out of the trunk I start walking as I see deku coming our way*act normal act normal act normal* "hi auntie what are you doing here" "oh....I came to help katsuki design his dorm do you want me to do yours to" "oh really I could use a little help...when your done with kachans of course" " ok see you later izuku" " hey kat why didn't you say hello to izuku are you still nervous" I nod "ok" we than walk around until I find my dorm room it was next to shitty hair which I liked we start unpacking and doing all of that boring stuff after an hour of work we were finally done I was pretty hungry "mommy I'm hungry" "go to the cafeteria honey I need to go and help izuku ok" she said and kissed my cheek I nod and go to the cafeteria we're I saw the Bakus quad hanging out i guess they were going to see the real me first I get my food and go to were they were sitting I greet them with a smile and sat down they all look at me in shock " hey I didn't know you could smile bakubabe" Mina said I then look up and say " hey I want to tell you guys something there surprised with my tone they were so used to me sounding angry and ready to blow up at any time I then took a deep breath and say "I've been lying to you guys I'm actually really nice and I'm a softie I just put on that tough guy look so you I don't get made fun of"
Kirishima pov
We all were surprised of what  bakubro told us we didn't now what to say and then Mina out of no were started fan girling and doing the things normally he wouldn't let her like hugging pinching his cheeks and calling him cute nicknames
Mina pov
I was so happy when I heard what he said he's a softie like ohmygodbgrhdggg (happy Mina noises)I ran up to him and started hugging and pinching his cheeks they were so squishy I never realised how chubby they are there so "you're so cute bakubabe" I said and got the cutest reply ever he giggled "thank you mimi"he calmed me mimi MIMI that is the cutest thing I have ever heard someone call me that I started kissing his cheeks and he started giggling even more like how can someone be this cute "heheh..stop mimi hehehe please I'm gonna be sick"I stop then I see another hand pinching his I look and Kirishima fascinated by the squishiness of his cheek soon everyone was playing and talking on till we settled so we can eat our food.
Bakugou pov
I was so happy that non of them made fun of me we started talking for a while and then gave them new nicknames " so... you're kiri,pikachu,mimi,roro" " what why roro?" "What you wanna be soy sauce face then" " nope roro is fine" we finished eating then mommy came in and sat me on her lap since there wasn't any more room " mommy!" " hi baby did you tell them" " mhm" "good job" she told me which made me happy .

Author hear I kinda got lazy so I'm stoping it hear so bye👁👄👁

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