a black heart necklace??

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Hey my weirdos~ so this chapter is a little delayed. Sorry!🙏 my sleep schedule is everywhere plus I have school so yeah. I hope you can forgive me! Anyway this chapter requested by Jesse_is_mine again! Thanks for requesting this one! Anyway on to the sinning! (Side note: I've never done someone like Hawks Aizawa or All Might or any one like that so I hope you like this one)


You where chilling in the teachers lounge and you where the only one in there until I bust through the door.

"Hey Y/N!" I say walking in with a few teachers walking in behind me.

"What do you want?" You say as you drink your coffee. (Sorry if you don't drink coffee you don't have to you can think of it as something else)

"Oh nothing just that we are all playing seven minutes in heaven" I say smiling while holding a hat.

"What's seven minutes in heaven?" You ask taking a nother drink. (HoW dO yOu NoT kNoW wHaT sEvEn MiNuTeS iS?! If you don't know what it is why are you reading this fanfic?)

"You don't know what seven minutes in heaven is!?" I say standing up. (Me:That's what I said!
Aizawa: are you done talking to yourself? Cuz you still have to wright the rest of the chapter.
Me: Yeah yeah whatever.)

"Nope" You say shaking you head no.

I explain to you what it is.

"Oh I see. Yeah I'll play." You say taking a nother drink looking at all the teachers.

I put the hat in front of you to pick out of it. You put your hand into the hat and pull out a black heart necklace. You hold it up. "Who's is this?" You ask as I look around. Aizawa raises his hand just enough for me to see it.

"It's Aizawa's" I say looking at you. You blush for a second but hide it.

You and him walk into another room and I follow to close the door and lock it. "Remember only seven minutes" Nothing less nothing more. I will open  the door weather you like it or not." I say walking away and letting you guys have privacy.

There was light in the room so you could Aizawa and Aizawa could see you. You where on the complete other side of the room. Everytime he would look at you you would look away and blush. He could see you blush witch made him smile. And you guys would do that for while and then time was up.


(What? You want me to add spice to this don't you? Fine I will.)

"Hey Aizawa." You said looking at him. "Yeah Y/N?" He said looking back at you making you blush and him smile. "Uhm well. I thought I would just come out and it but. I-I like you" You say looking away. (I know I know I'll add spice just wait.) he smiles knowing that you finally told him your feelings but he knew about them for a while now. "Heh...I like you too Y/N" He says smiling and walking over to you. As he does you have a little panic. He makes you look at him with a finger under your chin as he tiltes your head up to look at him he kisses you. It's not rough or lustful in anyway. (at least not yet. Sorry I'll stop talking) it's soft and passionate. You blush and melt into the kiss. He licks your bottom lip and pulls your waist close to him. You denied and he growled squeezing your ass making you gasp as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You blush more as the kiss get rough and lustful. He started taking off your shirt and skirt/pants/shorts. You took off his scarf first before taking off anything else on him. Wonce you where in your bra and panties and he was in his boxers you looked into each other's eyes. You smiled at one another. He unclips your bra but looks at you to make sure it ok if he does. You nod and he takes you off seeing your beautiful figure. He smiles again and he gives you a few kisses leading down to your breasts. He takes one in his mouth. He only focuses on one breast at a time after he was done with one he moved onto the other one. Wonce he's done he comes back up to your face and kisses you passionately but with lust at the same time. He lays you done on the couch in the room and claims on top of you. He makes sure you are ok with everything he does. He goes down to your panties and takes them off with his teeth. He then takes off his boxers and claims on top of you again. "Ready?" He asks looking up at you to make sure you are ok. You nod and he slides it in he kisses you to distract you from the pain as he starts to pump into you but not fast or hard to make sure you are 100% ok. He pumps faster and harder every few pumps. He stops kissing after he knows that the pain is gone. He smiles at you as he continues to pump faster and harder you moan loudly enough that every other teachers can hear you but you don't care. "I-I" You say, getting cut off. "Me too Y/N" He says like he read your mind. You both release after a few more thrusts. You guys get dressed right as the door opens Aizawa was putting his scarf on you. You smile at him as I look at both of you.

"You know you guys where loud" I said looking at you guys with a raised eyebrow.

You smile. "I know" You say walking off holding Aizawa's hand.


Hey my weirdos~ this one is my first teacher/pro hero. I hope you like it if you want me to change anything about it in the next one I do just tell me. If you have any suggestions just tell me I'll do them at some time.

seven minutes in heven BNHA x fe!reader 🍋lemon🍋Where stories live. Discover now