what is this a mask?

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Hey guys~ so it been a second I know. But I think I'm finally in a good place to start writing again! (Hopefully) but I finally got all the characters you wanted on the list so here is the list:

•Shinsou (this chapter)
•Hawks pt 2
•Bakugou pt 2
•Deku pt 2
•Denki pt 2
•Aizawa pt 2
•Tokoyami pt 2
•Sero pt 2

So that is the list for the next few I might do more if I feel up for it so keep your Segestions open I added everyone's on here so no one would be left out ok that's enough babbling on to the sinning!


Tonight was a party for class 1-A and 1-B to bond and not get in fights or be rides to the others. (talking to you Monoma)

You were getting ready for the party. they were having it at an arcade, they rented the whole place for a few hours so it would just be staff and the classes, no teachers were aloud no matter what they said. we also tried not to invite IIda, for obvious reasons but he ended up finding out and wanted to come.

As you were getting ready you put on a F/C dress/suit and some shoes did your make-up. (if you do that) put your hair up/left it down and you were out the door.

Once you got there you saw everyone's cars already there you got out and head inside instantly greeted by Mina. (who else am I right?) She smiled as you and gave you a hug. "you're just in time!" She said happily."we were just about to play 7 minutes in heaven want to join?" She asks hoping for a yes.

You nod your head in response. "sure why not" you said as Mina then took your hand and ran over to the others who were in a circle.

"I got a new member person to join" Mina shouted almost making you deaf. Suddenly all eyes were on you, you look around seeing everyone from class 1-B and everyone but Iida from 1-A.

"This is very inappropriate!" IIda said waving his hand around like crazy. You roll your eyes as everyone else does and you sit down in the circle.

Mina instantly shoves a hat into your face. "You are the last one to join so you have to pick first!" Mina says exited. You look around as most people are watching and others arnt and one of them giving you creepy stairs. (Stupid little grape)

You reach in the hat hoping not to get the pervs item and you feel something bulky and big almost like a mask, you pull it out to see it looks exactly like Shinsous mask.

You look over at Shinsou who was starring at you the whole time. funny how you didn't notice he was stairing at you when you took a look around at everyone. as soon as you made eye contact he looked away.

"No fair!" The purple grape screamed. "Why does the other purple guy get all the girls?!" At this piont he was a puddle of purple on the ground. "I even put on of my sticky balls in there" he started to crawl twords you. "what are you blabbing about?" Shinsou asked. "you get all the-" before he could finish his sentence Shinsou had already had him mind controlled. "Go outside and sit on the curb." Shinsou said. The grape did as he was told under Shinsous control and sat down on the curb, Shinsou then stopped controlling it and got up to lock the door. the perv isn't getting in any more.

You turn to Mina. "How did it not get stuck to me?" You ask Mina "oh I through the hat away. he was the first one to put something in the hat so I threw that one away." she said smiling she then takes your hand and shoved you in the first empty closet she could. not caring it said 'staff' on the front. she then grabbed Shinsou and did the same thing, then locked the door with a key. (I don't know were she got it from 🤷‍♀️)

You and Shinsou stood in awkward silence as Mina walked away. Neither one of you talked for a good 30 seconds then Shinsou spoke up."you know I've had a crush on you for a long time." He said looking at you being able to see the slight blush on your face from the crack of light coming from the door. "I have to." you say back honestly he smiles and puts his hand on your hips. He looks at your lips then back at your eyes "may I?" Is all he said as you nodded and he took that chance to kiss you. You smile and kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck, he moves his hands to your ass as this kiss turns into a make out session. he pushes you up against the wall, pinning your arms to the wall. You guys brake for air as you breath heavily along with him  you could hear the smallest bit of music coming from the party. (it was sexy music 😏) you smirk as you start moving your hips to the music making him smirk as well. he picks you up and you wrap your legs around him as he still has your arms pinned to the wall. You continue to move your hips to the music as you feel him get hard. "may I?" You ask him eyeing his shirt. He let's out a deep chuckle. "yes kitty" he says as he unpins your arms from the wall and watches your every move like a cat would a mouse. You take off his shirt as you stairs at his chest for a good second. "My eyes are up here kitty." He says making you snap back to reality and look into his eyes. "Right of course" you say back a bit shy. He chuckles deeply again Amused at your shyness "may I?" He asks as he eyes your dress/suit. You nod still a bit shy. He takes off your dress/suit and takes a look at you and smirks. "you are so beautiful Y/N" he says as his smirk turns into a smile. You blush a bit as he kisses you passionately and you kiss him back after a few seconds you and him brake apart you look in his eyes and see love with hint of lust that starts growing so you decide to make the next move and ask. "may I?" You say as you place your hands on his pants. "Yes." he says as you start taking them off, not being able to get far in the position you're in, once you push them down as far as you can he pushes them only a little further to were they around his ankles. He then messes with your bra straps and underwear straps then asks. "may I?" "Yes." you say simply as you then feel him take off your undergarments. He smiles as he look at you again taking in your body he then puts his hands on his boxers and looks at you. "May I?" He asks looking you in your eyes. "Yes." you say simply again as he takes off his boxers letting them drop to his ankles, you watch him let them drop and look at his eyes not looking down knowing you will probably turn into a tomato if you do. you do anyway and just like you thought you turn into a tomato and can't get a word out he notices this and smirks. "What's wrong kitty? Cat got your tongue?" He asks with a dark and deep chuckle. You finally get your words back and ask. "Is it going to even fit?" He chuckles once again and goes up to your ear and whimpers. "I'll make it." You feel A shiver go down your spine once you hear those words. He asks one more time looking into your eyes. "May I?" This time you think for a second but nod in the end. He lines himself up with you and enters slowly he waits a bit before thrusting and waits till your used to him then goes in deeper and waits this till he can fit every inch into you. Once your used to him you move your hips signaling him to move he starts off slowly with his thrusts asking if your ok every time he speeds up even the smallest bit. Once you are completely comfortable and he knows so he stops asking only if he thinks something is wrong. As you feel him thrust into you faster and harder you feel a sensation build in your stomach and his thrusts start to get faster and sloppy. You can tell he's starting to get to his end just like you. You moan out. "I'm ganna cum!" He just nods as he continues to moan letting you know he's about to as well, he then says in between moans. "Let's cum together" you nod as you both then cum he pulls out right before he does and cums on your stomach you both take a second To catch your breath before he finds some towels to clean you up. as you both then get dressed and wait for Mina to open the door, once she does you both walk out of the closet and walk separate directions. he goes to throw the towel away while you walk back over to the others and as soon at they see you they all go Silent and stair at you. Shinsou comes back over to the others and sits down in the circle and you sit in his lap. he smiles as he looks at you and cuddles with you still having everyone's eyes on you.

"So." Kiri says trying to brake the tension.

"You guys must have had fun. " Denki says giving finger guns at you guys. you blush and hide in Shinsous chest. he threatens the others silently.


Hey guys~ so I published this one a little early by accident I clicked the wrong button and so the ending is a bit rushed cum I got panicked sorry for everyone who read it before it was meant to be published but thank you non the less for reading weather it was before it was ment to be published it after I love you all!

Next: Shoji

Word count: 1781

seven minutes in heven BNHA x fe!reader 🍋lemon🍋Where stories live. Discover now