Late Night Talk/Competitions Part 1

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Karrueche POV

I sat on my bed wearing black booty shorts, and a white tank top eating ice cream and chatting on ooVoo with my boo Drake. We spoke for hours till he had to go perform up in his hometown Toronto. I blew him a kiss and stressed how much I missed him then we exchanged our goodbyes and such. Right when I hung up I got a video call from Chris.

I honestly don't even know why I answered but I did. We spoke and I was actually entertained by his presence. We ended talking for the whole night. This reminded me of how I liked him before. It was cause of his sense of humor. I never really spoke to him but in the halls I just knew by the way he smiled and laughed with, his friend, Mijo.

"So you trynna hangout with me tomorrow and couple homies at my BBQ?" He asked while eating some candy and chips.

"Sorry Chris but I can't. I have work to do."

"What work? Cant you do it later?" He said pouting.

"If I do it later then you won't be going on tour.. " I said sticking my tongue out.

"Fine.. " He said looking dissapointed.

"Fine, gosh. I'll try and make it there. Making me feel bad and shit." I said trynna hide my smile.


"I need to go to sleep, fool and so do you. Night, Chris..."

"Night, Kae and tell Drizzy I said was good and we need to link up and make a hit."

"Boy, I ain't no messenger.. I'm just your assistant and dancer..... Sike nah, I will when he comes back..."

"Bring him to the BBQ tomorrow.."

This lead to at least another hour of us talking until about 3 in the morning. I like this feeling of how easily I allowed Chris to be in my life again.

:: The Next Day ::

I woke up around 10 in the morning I took a shower and wore some black skinnies, a pair of beige sandals, a beige shirt with a pink blazer with folded sleeves.  I did my make up and tied my hair up into neat ponytail. I grabbed my bagel from the toaster and added some cream cheese on it.  I added my jewelry then got my LV bag that I usually step out the house with.  I grabbed my keys, bagel, phone and bag then went to my car.  I made a quick stop to Starbucks to get some nice well roasted coffee then headed for the meeting I had with my manager about Chris's Fortune tour.

:: 2:30 pm ::

After the long ass meeting I made my way home and got a text from Drake telling me he was back in Cali. I decided to make a U-turn and drive to his house. Once I got there, there was hella paparazzi standing outside. I quickly got my keys and went inside his house.

"Babe!" I yelled.

"In my room..." He yelled from his top floor.

I made my way there to see him in a white beater and some basketball shorts. "Why is there hella people on your front yard?" I said after softly kissing his lips.

"Cause they prolly think I'm going back out.... I don't know. I've missed you though..." He said leading me to his bed.

"And so have I, a lot.." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, so we were now dancing each other. I kissed his lips, then his phone started ringing.

"I have to answer this" He said, putting me down.

I pouted, but let him go. I knew who he HAD to answer to. Rihanna. That's who he had to answer. Ugh! He had a special ringtone for her. 

"Babe, I gotta go..." He said changing into jeans and Jordans.

"Whatever," I said putting  my sandals then fixing my hair.

"You're not mad are you?" He said hugging me from behind and placing his head on my shoulder.

"It's whatever Drake. Go take care of Rihanna. I'll see you later." I squirmed out his hug, got my purse and shit and left.

Twitter:  __ashhhh

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