After Partay! Part 2

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Karrueche POV

I woke up the next morning with a major ass headache. I checked the clock and it was 12 in the afternoon. I felt someone behind me with their hands around my waist. I turned my head to see it was Chris. Wait hold up what?! Chris is in the same bed as me.. I'm naked, and no..... I pulled the cover up and saw that he was naked as well. I sighed in frustration. I shook him and woke him up.

"Chris! Wake yo ass up?" I shook him.

"Yeah what?" He said his eyes fluttering open.

"Did we.. you know.." I asked..

"No what? You have to be more specific..."

"Did we have sex last night?" I asked.

"Ughhh! Yeah.."

I rose so rapidly that my head started hurting again. I groaned, "Please tell me you were protected."


"Chris?! Were you protected?"

"I-I don't know. You were all up on me, and we were both drunk and high that I don't remember what happened.."

"Oh my god. Drake is going to kill me!!!!!!!!!!"

"Just don't tell him.."

"What do you mean don't tell him?" I said putting my clothes on. "What happens if they catch me coming out your house? And what if I'm pregnant?" I asked frantically.

"Calm down! Relax. We'll figure it out..."

"Figure nothin' out! Ughhhh! Damn, damn, damn, shit!"

"Don't blame me you called me up here.."

"Shut up your commentaries aren't needed right now..." I said.

"Go downstairs in my medicine cabinet you'll see some morning after pills and some Motrin.. Bring me some too please.."

I ran out the doors and took the Motrin then the morning-after pills and went up his stairs to give him his shit.. It's prolly been more than 12 hours though, but I took it anyways hoping it would be effective. I sighed and gave him his shit.

"I'll talk come over later Chris.."

"Damn! Can I at least make you breakfast?"

"Fine...." We walked together downstairs. I helped him with the breakfast until her burnt it.

"Not with you burning the food."

"I'll take you out for brunch." He put on a white shirt, some tru religion jeans, a red snapback and some Black and Red Air Jordan 1's.

"Wait I need to go and change.." I drove to my apartment took a quick shower then changed into a white shirt, blue ripped jeans and some Obsidian 12's.

We met up at some restaurant and sat outside, looking at the menu. "Look at you and your jay's.. Too fresh," Chris said looking up at me over the menu and laughing.

"You shouldn't even be talking Mr. I Need To Change Before I Step Out The House.." I said smirking.

He stuck his tongue out... The waiter came and took our orders and brought us our drinks.

"How do you drink liquor in the morning?"

"Cause I'm a Boss.."

"Whatever you say..." I chuckled.

"So last night was good, not just the sex and your pussy.."

"Shut up! Don't even talk about it.." I said chuckling. I must admit the sex was good. I haven't had sex with Drake much lately cause he's always busy with his tour or whatever. And if we do have sex then it always gets interrupted by Rihanna... I feel like she's the reason I barely feel for Drake as much. But Chris puts it down. All that stroke that he does in them videos like 'No Bullshit' phew, that's exactly what he does in bed. He actually sang to me while he was sexing me. He sang some of Biggest Fan and Sweet Love. It was like a dream come true. And that girl who supposedly posted a pic of his "friend", was way off cause that shit was.... UN-DESCRIBABLE....

"Fine.. Anyways, why'd you drink so much yesterday?" Chris questioned me then took a sip of his drink.

I showed him the picture and he clenched his jaw. "Shit I would have done the same.."

"In a way I don't regret my feelings but at the same time I kind of do.. You feel me..."

"Yeah I understand whatchu mean. I mean their best friend is on another level. They stay talking. Like if I did that shit to her, she would have been all in her feelings, talking about I'm cheating and shit."

"Chris, I'm too hip. I feel ya, Drake would do the same. One the day of your party I had to swerve him cause yo girl called and he left me to go to her, I was like the fuck is this bullshit. Oooh, I'm sorry but I can't stand her.."

"I know you do. She stay hanging out with that nigga. It blows the shit out of me but I don't do anything. I mean she shouldn't be getting mad over us hanging our and being 'Best Friends'" He said using air quotes.

"But I really don't give a shit anymore.. I guess.." I rolled my eyes at the thought..

Twitter:  __ashhhh

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