Chapter Fifteen

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Karrueche POV

I don't know if I'm happy, sad, or mad... Chris has a child with Rihanna, I guess I should be happy for him, but I'm not.. Maybe cause it's not my child or just because I dislike Rihanna with a passion. I guess some would say I'm sad, because he has a child with some other lady.

Of course I can't talk about how I feel with Chris because that would crush him. Ever since the night we came back his baby girl, Joyce, has been all he talks about. I can't just tell him how I feel about all of this.... he's gonna think I'm jealous... which I am, but he doesn't need to know that.

This is why I didn't want to get involved in this 'business' with Chris. I strictly wanted to be his choreographer and manager, but he turned me into his fuck buddy. At least that's what I feel like. I feel used, like we fucked once and we'll never fuck again.

Ever since Joyce came, he's made her his first priority. I can't believe I actually thought we were gonna have something together. I should've learned to never mess with a man in a relationship, but it was somewhat of an accident, I guess.. I'm actually jealous of a freaking baby, unbelievable. I guess all I want is for Chris to show me some love and affection.

Drake POV

I can't believe I have a son, man.. It's crazy. Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming, and I don't really have a child with Rihanna but I do.... I kind of regret it, kind of. I have a child with a woman I don't really love, well I do, just not as much as Karrueche. I want her back, I need her back.. I should've of never broken her heart like I did. Now she's somewhere out here in Cali with that nigga Chris.

I don't regret having my child though, I just regret the fact that I had sex with Rihanna and lost Kae. I'll always love my child, no matter what. I'll go through hell and back for my kid.

I don't like the fact that my son's, half twin sister is Chris. I guess she's my half daughter? Since she's related to my son, I just hate her father's guts for taking Karrueche.

Now that I think about it, I kind of pushed Karrueche away on my own w/out anyone's help. I haven't cheated on her with just Rihanna. All the times I went on 'trips' I always cheated with some strippers at the clubs I went to. But I still hate Chris, especially because of that stunt he pulled at the damn hospital.

The next time I see him, I'm gonna beat his ass, for treating me like a piece of meat at the hospital. He's pretty gutsy for a scrawny guy, in my opinion. But that day, he caught me off guard, I wasn't strapped or anything. But next time, I'm coming for his ass..... I'm gonna get Karrueche back, no matter what it takes.

Rihanna POV

It's nine o'clock and I'm waiting on Chris and Drake to come pick up their children for the weekend because that's how we worked it out, but they are taking forever and I'm not in the mood to take care of those loud ass babies. Therefore, I'm going to go to the studio then a club and turn up. But until they both get here, all I can do is smoke a blunt and drink some wine.

Ever since I had my twins, my life hasn't been all that great. For starters I gained all this damn wait, but I have a trainer so that's not so bad. But it was still better when I didn't have all this weight.

Second, I lost my lover & best friend, Chris to Karrueche. I swear I don't like that chick, she's always around. Me and Chris would still be together if she wasn't around. She makes me want to throw up, ever since high school. Make-up doesn't change nothin' but her appearance she's still that little insecure bitch she was back in high school. So I don't know why she puts up a front like she's about THAT life.

Third, Drake won't answer my phone calls anymore, at all. I've called, texted, left voice-mails, everything, but I still haven't gotten a response from him. I'm feeling really lonely without him.

Ever since I've given birth, I can't stop drinking and smoking, whenever they're not around. It relives all my stress, and stuff, but I don't know.

The doorbell rang and I checked the time, 9:30, it's about time one of those dudes showed up. I put my cigarette and went to the front door letting, him in to take his child.

"You've been smoking around my kid again?" Chris said in an irritated tone carrying Joyce out with her diaper bag.

"Yeah so?"

"I told you not to do that shit! I don't want anything to happen to her, if you are going to do that shit do it somewhere else," he says rolling his eyes exiting the door. "Dumbass." he mumbles before closing the door.

He didn't even look at me or anything. It really hurts, it makes my heart ache, to not exchange friendly words. Not even a simple 'Hey' or just a head nod.

A couple minutes later pass, before Drake came to pick up his son. After getting ready I made my way to the studio and recorded a song for my upcoming album, Unapologetic. I headed to the club already tipsy, ready to turn.

I was welcomed to the V.I.P. section and started grinding and twerking, dancing around. It all became a blur after.... I ended up in bed with.....

Chris POV

That's the reason Rihanna irritates me.. She's always smoking and drinking whenever I go to her house in order to pick up my baby girl. She frustrates me, she knows it's not healthy for her children at such a young age, yet she does it anyway.

After tucking Joyce in bed, and exiting her room, leaving the door cracked, baby monitor in hand, I went into my bedroom across the hall to start packing. I was going to visit my mother in Tappahanock, VA so my mom could see her.

After packing I went in bed and cuddled up against Karrueche. I'm really starting to fall for her, but I don't think she notices because I've been focusing all my attention on Joyce. But I'm just so excited about having a child, and making sure everything is perfect that I haven't been focusing on a relationship or on work.

I start kissing up on her and I hear soft moans escaping from her mouth. I start kissing on her lips and feeling all over her petite body.. When the baby monitors starts to go off, hearing quiet cries. We both sigh as I go check on Joyce. I rock her back to sleep, then go back to my bedroom to find the lights and Karrueche facing the window. I pull her by her waist gently towards my body and kiss her neck.

"Chris, not tonight. I'm kind of tired," she says getting out of my grasp.

I sigh and say goodnight, and roll over looking up at my ceiling. I need to show her that I do love her. But how? I thought before I fell asleep.

Twitter:  __ashhhh

Sorry for the long wait :/


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