│File: Chapter 14│

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----- [Hoseok Pov] -----

After mine and Yuki's little hang out, we both parted ways. It looked like she headed towards her room to shower as did I. After I had finished though it didn't seem that she'd come outside yet. Tired most likely. I flopped down on the sofa where Jimin sat, peeking over to see what he's looking at.

"I swear you have a twitter addiction." He scoffed at that and pointed towards the large screen, "And what about them and videogames." It was a fair argument but they're still young and just enjoy playing them. "Yeah yeah whatever." I lied back down and closed my eyes "Oh Hosoek-Hyung, Your back." Taehyung smiled and waved before quickly turning back. Jungkook just murmured a small "hello." Too focused on the bright screen they sat in front of.

"Oh yeah where did you go anyways?" Namjoon said walking into the room. He must've heard our conversation from the kitchen. "Well, at lunch I went to practice in the spare room before it was in use, and I found Yuki in there!" This caused Jungkook and Jimin to grumble "why her?"

"Well, why not! She's not bad you know." Jungkook paused his game shuffling to face me. "no, Hyung, she really is! This group is not made to be an 8 especially with some intruder." Taehyung looked at Namjoon "You've just got to warm up to her." I say with a smile thinking back to how nice it was, but Jungkook really wasn't having it. I get that he's not a big fan of change, and most of the members don't like her. But nobody deserves to be treated that way. She's also young herself yet we're not thinking about how she feels.

There was a long pause before Jimin yawned. "Im going up to my room, call me when dinner ready." he moved out of his seat dragging his feet up the stairs. "Hey Jungkook! Let's go to the ender PLEaSSEEe" he turned around again picking his remote up. "Fine." Namjoon just sat there thinking that it wasn't a big scene or fight so it'll be fine. Clearly he just wanted to get on with reading anyways. And me, well I decided I'm going to go watch some romance movie i saw on Netflix that looks really interesting. So, that is exactly what I did.

It wasn't long after my film had ended that we were all called for dinner. Loud and rushed footsteps came fast down the stairs running to the dinner table in hunger. I had to go wake Yoongi up as bad as I felt. I can never tell if he sleeps to little or sleeps too much but I didn't like waking him up either way. Yuki was the last to come down. It was hard to tell what she had spent her past few hours doing while being in her room but it's not my business.

Jin-hyung placed down the last bowl, before sitting himself down amongst us and filling his plate up with his delicious food. I swear he never fails to make It taste like the heavens, NO ONE SHALL DARE QUESTION THE GRAND CHEF SEOKJINS TALENTS, NEVERRR.

I coughed on my rice, choking on it before swallowing painfully with a coughing fit. Hoseok- your literally eating save your energy for afterwards. It was quite funny though as The usual trio were trying to cause trouble. I honestly think they find it funny having a death wish. They've met Seokjin, but still bicker and shout like a bunch of children.

I agree that I am also loud and energetic but I know when to be calm, and I like to be quiet really. As long as I have dance and my fun personality make other people feel better than I don't need to worry about myself. Just as long as everybody I love is okay, then I should be okay to. Nothing else is needed just that.

----- [Yuki Pov] -----

as I pushed the food around on my plate I looked up at Hoseok who starting coughing quite harshly, and then immediately spacing out. .." Hoseok?" I whispered. "Uhm Hoseok?" I said a bit louder now tapping his shoulder. "Hoseok." I finally spoke out with full volume.

"what- who- Tinkerbelle?"

is he okay, generally concerned. "Uh- you okay? You were coughing a lot and then zoned out"
he blinked at me before smiling "oHhhH I was thinking about something and then forgot I was eating and then forgot that I forgot I was eating and thought of something else." What. "uh right yeah makes total sense." I nodded my head slowly facing forward, taking a bite of my food. Tasty.

Hoseok went back to eating happily after that, joining into the conversation randomly while I just listened in on what they were talking about. Most of it was talking about sceduales and random things like that but I was still interested. The troublesome trio were acting quite suspicious, which made me dread what plan they have come up with, and worry built up at the thought of said victim to what seemed like a master plan.

I generally wonder how the world is still together with those three around. Who knows, it could all be an illusion. Like me suddenly thinking what if we're characters in a game that somebody created, and everything is fake and nothing I do matters because nothing really exists.

You know every time I say that sentence in my head it always sounds more concerning but also more convincing. I mean it would explain how life hates me, I must be some like sad side character or something, just the emotional support for the main character.

hm, I wonder who the main character would be in a story. Welp I guess I have time to figure it out so no biggie.

OH OH, Maybe we can have dessert after. Now THAT would be nice.

Cloud- I want chocolate cookies. Short chapter.

word count- 1022


thanks Lisacoco27 even though I'm lacking in the update department this week

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