│File: Chapter 1 │

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The sun shone into the large room decorating it with a golden light. Currently, BTS is waiting for Hitman Bang to return. Apparently it was about something important.

"What do you think it's about?" Seokjin asked Namjoon who was fiddling with a pen.

He paused for a moment because even as the group leader he knew more than the others and that whatever it was, was important. All he knew was there was going to be a change in amongst the group. He just didn't know what that change could exactly be.

"Well, there's just going to be a few changes. Nothing major I don't think." Jungkook smirked, his playful mood kicking in.

"Yoongi having a normal sleep sceduale?" The three maknaes all snicker while Yoongi grumbled, probably cursing bad luck on Jungkook as a frown fell on his face.

A few minutes had passed now, Yoongi was playing games on his phone as Hoseok watched him while Namjoon and Seokjin talked about dinner and shopping. The maknae line were bickering at each other and basically started world war eight within the past three minutes.

"For gods sake Stop tickling me!!" Jimin cried as he went to go punch Jungkook. Just then the door opened revealing Hitman Bang.

"Your all probably wondering why I called for this sudden meeting." He said while taking a seat and sighing.

"There's going to be a change in this group, a big change." He spoke sternly, eyeing all of the boys in front of him.

"And to be honest, I feel quite bad that you boys have no say in this." Hitman bang got up, and walked over to the door.

"What if we dont like it. Can we get rid of it?" Jungkook asked, he had always been picky with change.

"There are some things you have to put up with no matter what Jungkook. Now.." Hitman Bang finally opened the door and signalled for something or somebody, to step inside.

The boys faces changed into a one of apprehension.

Saying she was nervous was a Major understatement, her legs felt heavy and stiff. She didn't even notice she was walking until she was in the large room as the sun hit her face. She had changed her body language so many times over the past few minutes she lost count. But she wouldnt want them all seeing how fucking scared she is.

"Everybody, meet Yuki Konno. The 8th member of BTS."

All the stares burned into her, time suddenly feeling as if it had stopped.

Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook all stood up, followed by Jimin.

"What?!" Yoongi's voice echoed throughout the room.

"Another member?! But this..This was the final group!" Namjoom's voice raised. "And a girl at that??! Are you crazy, all of this hard work will be ruined!!" The sentence finished with a huff and gritted teeth.

"Why is she here wh-"

"Higher up's." Hitman Bang said, cutting off the angered, and tired Yoongi.

"But you can't just-!"

"I've said all that needed to be said." He cut of once again.

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