│File: Chapter 6 │

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The cold morning air filled my room as I cuddled further into my blanket in effort of keeping warm. The sun soon following and lighting my room up, greeting me hello and that it was a new day.

I sighed in defeat knowing it's time to leave the comfort of the soft fabric. I picked up my phone from the bedside table, struggling to find it as first due to the low effort of not wanting to crack open my eyes. Turning it on I rushed to turn it off once more as I had left the brightness too high as always.

Within the next passing minutes, I had fallen back asleep, sat up, stared at the ceiling, questioned my existence and somehow through all the chaos, I had made it out of my room and now sat at the breakfast bar watching Seokjin cook.

I don't think he had noticed me coming in though as when he turned around, he nearly dropped his perfectly fluffy pancake on the floor.
"Sorry..." I murmured out with a grin on my face.

"Ah, it's alright. But next time maybe don't try and kill this beauty." He said with a smile, though I got confused. Was he talking about himself or the pancake? Eh, I'm just hungry.

"The others aren't awake. I'm normally the only one up at this time to make breakfast before I drag them out of bed." Listening in silence, I watch as he skilfully flips the pancake in the air.

"Do you like to cook a lot? Doesn't it get tiring looking after them?" I asked, after yesterday I wanted to know more about Seokjin. What made him accept me? It didn't really matter much but I couldn't help but wonder. I should be grateful he's willing to be generous to me while the others are a bit on and off, or just one sided.

Taehyung seemed nice too but he's too hyper for me, it takes longer to warm up to people like that.
"It's definitely hard sometimes. But they're like my younger brothers. I feel like it's my job to look after them before I even think about myself." His voice is so gentle, it's calming. I could listen to it for hours and never get bored. "You're quite- no...you're very caring. And your voice is very gentle. I like it." I whispered, I'm not good at complimenting people but it's a true fact.

It was easier for me to say though as I was still getting over waking up. "Thank you! you're very kind yourself."

not being able to think of an answer I just sat there in silence and nodded my head. I've never known how to respond to compliments.

About 10 minutes later he had equally plated the pancakes and set the table, I felt bad for just sitting there but I couldn't bring myself to ask him if he wanted help. It was kind of embarrassing.

"Do you mind helping me wake up all the boys. Don't worry I'll give you the easy people." He said with a chuckle when he saw my face, I must've looked terrified at the request.

"I wouldn't mind doing that."

That's a complete lie, what if they have a knife hidden under their pillows.

"that's kind of you. Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoseok and Jimin are quite easy to wake up, so it should be a pretty simple task." He spoke, walking out to go wake up the more...not so eager.

I can relate though even if sleep doesn't fit In with my totally busy schedule like having an imaginary concert at 4am.

Finally I stand in front of Hoseok room seeming as it was the first door along my journey.

Creaking it open, I tiptoe in like I'm on some fucking secret spy mission and stand over his bed like a sim without a purpose in life. Finally, after what seems like 10 years, I the only thing not hidden under the cave of blankets and covers which was his arm.

Which somehow was able to awake him of his slumber as he kicked off the pile of fabric and stretched eyes fully open as he turned and gave me a bright smile.

He really is a light sleeper, was he already up?

"good morning!" he said enthusiastically to which I responded with a small wave and a mumble about pancakes. He smiled wider and stood up, with me trying to shuffle out of the way but before I could move, I felt a pair of arms around me, recognising it to be a hug.

Well now I'm confused. "Why are you hugging me? I thought you don't like me." I state, as my voice was barely audible due to my quiet voice and me being crushed by him. I didn't even mean to let it slip out, but it did.

He pulled away from me with a slight frown.

"you thought I hated you?" the way he stood, and his facial expression made me panic. Did I say something wrong? What did I do? Is he mad? The thoughts swirl in my head as I gave a slow short nod.

"Oh..well for your information I think your quite nice and I want to be your friend actually, I can confirm there is no hatred for you at all." With a proud tone as he smiled again, well now I feel bad that I thought that but it felt nice to hear, hoseok seemed like a nice person- like Seokjin but less responsible, more care-free? And definitely more hyper.

my once panicked face turned into a smile at hearing how he thought of me. "Thank you, I want to...be your friend to." I sounded very unsure, but I meant it. "Oh- uhm- you should probably head downstairs for breakfast. I need to wake a few others up." I shyly spoke, looking at the floorboards. Hoseok gave a quick nod and smile before we both head out. Him going downstairs, and me towards the next person.

Let's hope the others go as smoothly.  --------------------------------------------
<3 . <3 . <3 . <3 . <3 . <3 . <3 .




Word count: 1090

{Re-written Chapter Seven: Friday or Sunday}

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