│File: Chapter 2 │

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----- [Yuki's Pov] -----

Staring at the time I looked up and was immediately blinded by the sun shining through. I had barely slept mainly because it was cold, very cold. I was also being a dramatic person and thought overthinking would be a great thing to do before bed. Though I had no say in if I did or not.

Dragging my feet off the soft mattress, i already missed its warmth. Wanting it to swallow me whole and never let me go as i sleep for the rest of my life.

That sounds like a dream.

But instead, I just had to live another day of wanting to throw myself away.

"Hey thats a good quote Yuki."
"Thanks Yuki."

I paused, did I really just compliment and thank myself? Yeah I seriously have problems. After I made sure. Was silent I grabbed a small bag and my outfit that I picked out the night before.

After I finished getting ready i looked between my bag and the kitchen.

I guess i'll make them food.

Finally finishing setting up the table, my hand reached and opened the oven door as steam hit my face. I hate when it does that.

I wrote a note and wrapped it and put it in the oven, after it cooled down, then grabbed bag and slipped on my shoes as I hadn't untied them knowing if I did I wouldn't be able to tie them again.

Leaving the the house I thought about how I don't like eating infront if people either and knowing the situation I'd feel too uncomfortable to eat with them so I'll think it's best if I stick to my own thing.

----- [Tim Skip -----

"I'm not teaching her, you do it!"

"Why should I? Yoongi's the best at producing."

"Leave me out of this."

I sat silently as the bickering continued. You remember the whole "Stick to myself" plan? Yeah that was a total failure.

Currently, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon were arguing over who should teach me.

With lame excuses i might add.

"Well my studio is too Blue for her."

"What does that have to do with anything."

"Blue's my favourite colour."
I mumbled, more to myself then the other.

Suddenly the noisy room fell silent for a second before round four starts again.

"I forgot she could speak."

"why don't you just ask who she wants to each her."

"No just figure it out."

And suddenly I'm a background figure again.

Curling up into a ball, my hands covered my ears as my head stayed down.

Even if the action was quite childish. I don't like loud noises.

The loud sound became more muffled, like a background noise further away then it actually was.

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