│File: Chapter 9│

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The car ride was quiet after that, I think my laugh caught everybody off guard. Like- majorly.
And that's including me for your information.

We had arrived at the BigHit Building around 7:25am. Around the same time I would've woken up for school, which I still find way to early. Being mature sucks Like what happened to ice popsicles and sitting in a sand box with your 6yr old best friend who you'd build castles with.

Oh, wait I know what happened.

I also know I didn't plan a future all my life because I thought I'd be dead by now but as you can tell, I am very much breathing and alive. Very disappointing, am I right?

Either way I sat in the same small room I did about every day, scrolling for jobs again as I waited for my lessons to start, I think My singing teacher is teaching Jungkook how he should sing his part in this one song that they're planning to put in the album. I Don't know much to be honest. Point is, they've finally decided to extent how long my rapping lessons are because I won't be singing a lot. I don't like singing anyways, I've always found rapping easier so when they told me that it would work well, I was glad to say the least.

I want boba.

I don't even care how quick I changed the subject, its boba so it's allowed. Maybe I could get a job at a boba place I know how to make it I just never buy the ingredients. Too much effort that I don't want to do. I mean, when I do have the effort it's when I randomly have a burst of energy at stupid hours in the morning, but I'd probably be super loud no matter how quiet I would try to be.

Suddenly the door sung open, catching me off guard as I slammed my laptop shut. It was the manager, so I quickly stood up and bowed. "Yuki, sorry for scaring you. I'm just here to inform you that you'll be doing an interview this Saturday. It was arranged quickly, which is why I came to tell you in person." He said, while trying to catch his breath from rushing here. "Oh, sure, that's fine." I nod, thinking as if I actually have anything planned when I know I don't. "Really, okay- I'll send you the details later. I have a meeting to attend to. enjoy your lessons." He said before waving and closing the door. I thought the news of having to do an interview sank in already, but I have a feeling it hasn't Just yet.

A few hours have past now, I'm on my break before we start the second half of the lesson. I didn't bring any lunch so I think I might go to the closest convenience store to buy a quick, and healthy meal. I would say I'll grab a chocolate bar but my diet...well— It doesn't allow that, and I feel like even breaking it the slightest and they'll throw me out.


I walked down the hall towards the elevator and sighed in relief when I saw I wouldn't have an awkward elevator ride with some worker, or a fellow idol. I've barely talked to anybody here and I want to keep it that way as impossible as it is. But my luck is not as great as others so by the time I had reached the elevator, A boy with blonde hair and light blue tips had stepped in last minute. He was quite tall, around 6ft maybe? He had soft features that sculpted his face nicely, and he looked like a big softie. I don't think that he's an idol of sorts, but I would definitely confuse him to be one if I saw him in the streets. "Your name...it's Yuki, right?" he spoke, his voice light and smooth.

"Uhm. Yup. that's me. Are you a staff member here?" I Knew he wouldn't be a trainee as they aren't allowed on this floor, so it was my conclusion.

"Yeah, I'm a hairdresser here—your hairdresser actually. Nice to meet you...Oh my name is Daniel Kang by the way..."

"Nice to meet you too. I didn't even know I was getting a hairdresser but I'm not all familiar with this idol thing."

Daniel must've found it funny as he chuckled before replying "Yeah, me neither. I applied here after my academy said they'd be looking for a qualified person for the job."

Ah, so he goes to an academy......

"Oh, well to get off. It was nice meeting you. I'll see you later!" he said and ran off as soon as the door opened. I guess he was in a rush. I didn't even get to reply as I was too shy to talk louder than I had already spoke. Plus, shouting in front of business-people isn't a good impression. I Stopped near the door, placing my bag down for a moment to grab out the mask and hat I had shoved in earlier and put them on.

It really wasn't a long walk to the store, about ten minutes at most. I was mainly just listening to music as I walked and looking at the decorations in the front windows of all the stores.


I quickly darted inside, missing the best drink I had ever tasted. Honestly, how does Jungkook prefer banana flavoured milk over this? I guess I shouldn't judge I've never had it before.

"Hello what would you like to order today!"

"uhm...one large vanilla flavoured bubble tea."

"sure thing, take a seat and we'll have it ready in a moment" The lady at the till gave a nice smile, before giving me my change and going to the next customer as I mumbled a thank you.

It wasn't a long wait, about five minutes really.

I had thanked her again and asked about a job, to which she gave me a sheet before I took my drink and straw and continuing my walk to get my sandwich.

As I went to stab my straw I did it a bit too harshly and It spilt a bit but we don't talk about that.

Finally in the store, I sighed as I stared at all the options. Being a very indecisive person is never handy when it comes to picking something, to which in the battle of choices the cheese sandwich was the winner.

I browsed once more around the shop before picking a small box of mixed fruit and then heading toward the cashier. Which, yes, should be an easy task but apparently, I had failed to notice how busy said store was and the large line of people waiting to pay for their shopping.

This was going to be a long wait.....

Cloud- gay. Im very gay.

Thanks Lisacoco27 for threatening me with a slipper i was scared for my life


word count- 1194 (not a lot but I'm very mentally tired sobs)

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