❦ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5 ❦

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I saw.... Jin spanking namjoon on his butt. I was confused at then I went towards jin

Y/n: Jin why are you spanking namjoon?

Jin : he freaking burned my pan on the stove and there are burned spots on my beautiful pan!!!
*jin face *

Jin : he freaking burned my pan on the stove and there are burned spots on my beautiful pan!!! *jin face *

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 I was trying to hold trying to hold on to my laughter but ended up laughing

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I was trying to hold trying to hold on to my laughter but ended up laughing. It started to hurt my tummy. After I was done laughing I looked back at him and he a pissed face On his face while looking at the blank chair. I then soon realized that I made a huge mistake. I was about to run when jin caught my arm and started to drag me somewhere outside of the castle.I then kicked his knees that made him fall on to his knees and groaned at the sudden pain. I took my chance to run off in the castle. I speed run still in my pj running up to jungkooks room. I quickly opened the door and locked it. I decided to get my phone so she could pick me up to get out of this weird Castle. I tried to call my mom. It took me 20 times to call her. I was about to lose hope when suddenly she picked up my call.

Y/n: " mom when can I go home ?

Mom:" oh I forgot to tell you the three handsome boys are going to babysit you for a month we are going to be back and also your sister rose is going to join us

Y/n: okay love you 💕

Mom: bye

I was pretty sad that she didn't say " I love you back " I decided to ignore the problem right now and do change I went downstairs hoping Jon was not there I slowly and quietly went downstairs. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder I slowly turned my head and saw JISSO!?!

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