❦ chapter 6 ❦

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I saw y/n fainted and I looked outside and saw a guy who is smirking at the sight of his view. I was a bit scared with his smirk but I soon snapped out of my thoughts and I called for my guard to get rid of this creep In my territory. I then called the Docter to check y/n scince she looked pail . A few hours past I looked over to my unnie crying out loud. While my hung are trying to comfort them. Soon after time the doctor came.

Doctor hung : well she fainted due to panic and heavy breathing.

Jungkkok: oh thank you for explaining the reason.

Doctor hung: no problem that my job

Jungkook : when can we visit her

Doctor hung: tomorrow she need to get rest I recommend you to sleep early so you could visit her tomorrow

Jungkook: thank-you once again

I said while bow in to the doctor to show respect. I went toward my hung and unnie

Jungkook: guys don't worry y/n just had a panic attack and had a hard time breathing.

Jungkkook: would you mind telling why you are so scared of the guy earlier?

They all gulped and said

Jisoo: why don't we do home first and shower ,then we could tell

I just nodded my head to make them know I understand.We went back to the car. During the car ride it was silence. But my mind was all of questions.

Who was the guy? Was it her ex? Or was it her worse nightmare in her life. * I'm a bit over the questions 😅* I then heard Jin

Jin : hey jungkook are you going to spend the night here in the car * chuckles *

Jungkook: oh uh- I was just thinking about something.

I then quickly went out of the car and ran in the house. Taking ofbmy dirty white shoes that I accident stepped on the mud splash earlier. I then went upstairs with out updating to my hyungs. I went to my room and striped my self before I was going to take a shower. I went to the bathroom, looked at my self in the mirror and saw I had a bag that was light dark color. I decided to just ignore it and continue to take a shower.

ALL POV *exept jungkook and rose *

Jisoo how are we going to tell him

*jisoo*-I said while chewing on my nail. I was a habit of mine when I am nervous.

Jennie : well do we have any other idea to make up a lie about it. The answer is no we have to let him know what is going on or else it would be said to catch jungkook if he doesn't know.

We all just nodd3d to jennie statement. It was true if we hide it jungkook will be in a big dangers. While we were thinking we heard the stairs creak. We all turned our head toward the sound and saw no other than jeon jungkook. We all sight in anxiety that had cause us from the noise .

Lisa : jungkook come and sit here we need to discuss this and plss try to be understandable about the situation........


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