❦ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7 ❦

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Flash back

Y/n old self 18 year old. I was walking around the school hallway when she saw her boy best friend. Luke. She shouted his name

Y/n: Luke !!!

He turned around and saw her waving at him . He came toward her and hugged her .

Luke : oh what are you doing where don't we have clsss

Y/n: well I ask the teacher that I need to go the bathroom .

Luke. Just nodded

Y/n: what are you doing here?

Luke : I- um- I was just about - to *fake cough* I-


The bell rang I was about to ask him again but he was fast enough to run out of the school. I stood there wondering why Luke was acting suspicious all of a sudden. I decided to go to my lockers and put my books away. After I was done puking my book in my locker I checked the time it was currently 4:30 pm . I decided to go back home and not waste my time spending time with my friends. While I was walking back to my apartment I felt like someone is watching every minute,every movement I take,every step I took.

Soon time to time I would look back and sometime see a shadow a far that was hiding behind the walls. I quickly fasten my speed but ended up still watched. My body instance grew fear and scared I decided to run to the police office . I ran and ran like it was my last day to live in the world . I was about to reach the police office when I heard a cracking noise it was from behind me . I then felt a arm slithering around my waist . I was the edge of crying. When I felt something that was covering my noise I knew that it was a cloth . I tried my best to stay awake but each minute I tried the less and less i try to stay awake I had drifted to faint.

I then woke up in a unfamiliar room that had dried blood on the floor . I looked everywhere to find an escape. Few hours Hess past and I am still trying to find an escape whole . When all of a sudden I heard foot steps . I looked back and saw Luke ?.

Y/n: Luke what are you doing here aren't you suppose to be at home and where am I am I being kidnapped * with my dry voice *

Luke: oh babygirl I have been waiting all my time to have is moment

Luke: dear y/n would you want to be my lovely girlfriend

He said with a grin on his face that I wish i Cloud erase it or punch it till it's gone. I tied to act professionally and I decided to answear him honestly

Y/n: Luke I'm sorry but I don't have feeling for you I am sorr I couldn't

Luke: WHaT !?!?!

He then held my face agrisivly and looked right in my soul as if he as going to kill it

Luke: no you are mine mine mine mine

He laugh like a psychopath. He than force me to kiss him . I soon blacked out due to less oxygen. When I woke I felt my body hurting and I saw my self naked , I cried silently in a room. I then decided to find a phone . Luckily I fond the phone and I called my mother about what happened.

Mom : oh honey are you sure your alright

Y/n: yeah it just hurt my bottom part of my body

I then told my mom the address so she could pick me up from this hell place.So my mom told her security to go get me out of the hotel .Meanwhile I was trying to find an escape the hotel .I tried to be quick as possible . I wore my cloth then I called the police

Police : hello what is your emergency

Y/n: help I need help I was kidnapped and I blacked out then when I woke up I realise that I had been r***. Soon they found him and he was in custody for 15 years in prisoner for r****. weeks has past and she has been old-school after the accident happens.


Lisa POv

After I was done telling the story I looked at jungkook who has tears in his eyes. And tried to wiped them of when a tear came out of his eyes,

Jungkook : can I please leave now I want to sleep

Jin : sure kiddo if you need anything please tell us

Jisoo: and if you fell uncomfortable please tell us

Sugar : and don't hurt your self

RM : were warning you young man

Jungkook POv

I went back to my room and locked the door. I some how felt hurt in my heart. The felling was painful and heartbreaking to me. I decided to try my best to sleep but ended up thinking about the story. I had so much thought. I then checked the time it was 3: 30 am. I decided to grab my one andng9 on social media, I came across a post that had me shook of surprise and that made me blush

Moonxy/n--------1,230 likes----------Comment---------Love_you: IMO so cuteBye: cutieLove hype : doggie -----View more comment

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Love_you: IMO so cute
Bye: cutie
Love hype : doggie
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I smiles to myself and after a few minute I started to fall asleep

Jungkook POV
I woke up from the loud noise that was coming out from the living room . I tried to cover my ears to fall back asleep but I could still hear the loud nusic from the living room . I had to force myself to get to the door and go to the living room. I went to the living room and saw them watching youth with you season 3 . It was currently 8:00am i asked them

Jungkook:when can we visit y/n

Jisoo : this after noon her family is currently Visiting her

Jungkook: oh okay

Jungkook: then I would go take a shower then

JISOO and Jin: okay come down for breakfast when you are done taking a shower . You only have 15 minutes.

Jung kook : okay

As soon as he was about to walk upstairs the door bell rang

Jungkook I'll get it .

He went outside and found an envelope. He went back inside and called for his untie and hyung

Lisa : why you call us jungkook

Jungkook : I heard the door bell ring and I saw this envelope that was placed in front of the door .

I slowly open the envelope and I read it out loud so my unnie and hyung can hear it

Dear , jungkook
I know you saw me yesterday looking at my baby y/n . If you tried to get your hand on my baby you shall suffer. Mark my words you will regret having her .

Sincerely, 𝙅𝘼𝘾𝙊𝘽

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