❦𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 15❦

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Lisa POV

I was walking around the mansion when I stoped by at the calendar. When I checked today was when y/n and jungkook are coming back . I quickly went to JISOO


JISOO: what

Lisa: today is the day when y/n and jungkook are coming back

JISOO: oh shoot tell every one we have to make a huge mess.

LIsa: okay

I then went to everyone bedroom and told them about it .
Soon we heard the door quick . Taehyung and Jennie throw there Gucci and channel clothing everywhere and told them not to step on there clothing Witch was hard. Soon they bothe came .

End of flashback ⏩



I woke up from hungry ness and headed downstairs to eat breakfast I check the refrigerator and saw there was grapes I decided to eat the grapes. So I got hem out of the cold refrigerator and place it in a bowl and wash them. I then pluck the grapes of the vine.
I then was about to go back to my room when I bumped in to someone and I fell down on something that was soft and I felt something soft in my lips to. I then opened my eyes and saw jungkook with his fluffy hair and his cute tiredly eye.

Jungkook: umm could you get off me

Y/n: oh um sorry

I then quickly got up grabbed my bowl and headed towards my room. I then shut my door and touch my lips I then jumped around my room and smiling Like an idiot. I decided to call my fast pace heart . I then decided to get dress for the day . I then took a shower and grabbed some clothing . I don't wear formal stuff at home only outside . Like who would want to wear a gown in the castle . Any ways I got outside an saw my unnie and there boyfriend laughing . I then went to jimin and hugged him.

Y/n: jimin I am bored can I play with you


Little did she know someone was angry and jealous and that was the one and only...........

JEON jungkook


Some months has past yours and jungkook felling had grown and grown . Then one day you and jungkook decided to tell each other about your felling.


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