❦𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10 ❦

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A few days has past after the incident happened. Things were awkward for me . But I felt like jungkook is still uncomfortable. So we're don't talk to each other a lot. This week we were going to a trip to Hawaii. I am currently packing my stuff.

Y/n: sunscreen.....
Check ✔︎

Y/n: bikini
Check ✔︎

Y/n: snack for myself

I then went in my bedroom . Oh i forgot to tell you. Yesterday while we were eating our breakfast my parents came back and they came back to pick me up to go home. And here I am in my room. I then headed downstairs and headed towards the don't. I grabbed my shoes and headed of the front garden of our garden. While I was walking to our garden path. I saw Rose.

Y/n: yah rose

I said while running up to her .

Rose: what is it little sis

Y/n: what are you doing here at the garden.

Rose: oh just to get fresh air

I just moved my head

Y/n: hey are you excited to go to the beach trip

Rose: yeah. I wonder if there hot guy

She said while grinding. I just made a what the fuck face at her *face*

 I just made a what the fuck face at her *face*

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*sister face*

Butler : ladies your mother was looking for you two

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Butler : ladies your mother was looking for you two

Butler: she told m to meet her right now. You have to dress properly.

Me my sister and the butler wen tbsckinsid. We were greeted by our mothers annoyed facenlooking at us.

Mom: yah both of you when you go somewhere tell me you know how worried I was huh

Y/n &Rose: sorry we will never do it again we promise.

We said at the same time. Me and rose looked back at my mother and saw her calming her self down .

Mom: girls go get dress we have to go to the royal celebration.

Me and rose went to or rooms and picked out of gown. I pretty much hate towns even thou I am a princess I hate gowns. I really like to wear what normal people wears. I was more comfortable. Anwyas I found a gown. It had a sparkling cloth. A v chest for the front. I then headed out towards my door. Leaned it and shutter my door. I headed downstairs with my sparkling down. I only saw my mother. Sitting down on the couch and reading a news paper. I sat down on the couch with my mother waiting for my sister ariave downstairs.

We waited for her for 15 minutes. Finally she came she wore a heavy makeup on her face while I has light make up on. I wasn't the time who would spend there money on makeup. And I also didn't know how to put makeup on . So I'd not waste my time to do makeup.

Rose: alright I'm ready to go

She said while cat walking on her gown. Her gown was baby pink with sparkles and had a v line shape like mine at the front. Just like mine. We then headed towards the limo . It took us an hour to go to the palace. He finally arrived at our destinations. We all then went to the palace. It was a pinckishes aesthetic colors type. We then went inside and headed towards the kitchen

Grandmother: oh how I miss you my daughter

She said while kissing my moms forehead. Oh yeah my mom has 3 siblings she is the youngest one in the child. We then sat down and talked about random stuff. It was soon 9:87 pm. My mom and her grandmother said goodbye to each other and left. While we were driving back home u sakes my mother

Y/n: "hey mom do you know that we are going to go to Hawaii this week

Mom:" yes I know Mrs. Jeon told me need to worry.

We finally reached home I quickly got out if the kimo and speed walked towards the castle. I then went to my room once again and took a shower. After I took a shower I wore my pajamas. I decided to go on social media and post something on my account,.

I then was about to go to sleep when I heard a ting. I looked at it saw a acc name. I decided to click on it and I saw a whole pictures of jungkook with suits......

I'm decided just to ignore it. I decided to put my phone away on my counters.
I then laid back on by bed and went of to dream land. Little did she know someone was going to do something that she would wish that could never happen......

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