❦𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 8 ❦

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Jungkook POV
My hand started to tremble in fear .

She was cut by a door opening in the front door. Then all froze to there spots a slowly turned there head forcing them self to look at the front door. The front door was opened and there was a men who was wearing all black .

???: well well well I hope you all stay in your limit. Or you will face the consequences of killing.

He said. In a deep that all made us shiver in our spine. With that he was about to leave the place, when he stopped and turned back to us and said .

???: and jungkook good luck to your love life * chuckles *

I was about to protest but he already went out of the palace and left like a speed of light.

Jungkook :jissoo unnie can we visit y/n now what if she is in danger we always have to be by her side or this Jacob guy will kipnapp her .

Jisoo: no first we have to do to the police and tell them. But we have to desgise our self because we are going where there are not a lot of royal people are there.

Jin: so go and wear you city clothing.

We all headed upstairs and for ready. It was a hard Time to pick. Even thou I am not a girl it's still hard to find a stylish looks. After a few minutes of finding a stylish look I went back down stairs my unnie and hyung waiting for me I the couch. Jin was wearing a sport pants with a white shirt. Jisoo was wearing a black skinny jeans and a white t shirt *couple outfit *.

Suga was wearing a black hoodie with a black sweatpants and the same goes with Lisa. I was wearing a black riped jeans that you could see little bit of my knee and a plain white t shirt. Taehyung was wearing a white hoodie with a black jean and same goes to jennie.

Jin : alright let's go head to the car

We all went out of the house and grabbing some evidence that will show the proof. We went in the car and in decided to put on music. The music was kill this love.

Taehung started to dance the part where the kill this love chorus dance move. When he did it the backseat was squished and jennie and Lisa started to laugh there ass off. Soon we arrived to the station and we all got out of the car and headed toward the station. A few hour has pass. Jisoo and jennie are telling about the police about the trouble luke has caused y/n and the other.i then checked the time and it was already 1 pm .

Jungkook: hey taehyung can we go visit y/n

Taeying was about to answer me when jisoo and jennie came back with the police behind them

Police : don't worry we will find him and fit him in jail

We all just need our head .

We soon got back to the car and we went to the hospital. I ran in as fast as I could.
I was struggling to find y/n's room when I heard several chuckle behind and me. I then looked behind me and saw my Annie ns shyungs. I totally forgot about them.

Jungkoook: uhh can you help me

Jin : sure kiddo

We reach her room, I was the first one to go inside and when I did I say Luke forcing y/n to kiss back


I was waiting for jungkook and the other to arrive.I then heard the door click . I got excited I thought it was the others but it was worse it was Luke with a huge smirk across on his face. I was about to scream when he grabbed my hair and closed my mouth with his hand he then kissed me aggressively. I kept on trying to screen . But when I tried he would pull my hair tighter . I then heard another crack I then screamed . This time I was successfuly to d .Luke stoped kissing me and looked at my soul . I then was about to say some thing to jungkook and I was about to run up to him but , I was caught of by Luke kissing me and pushing me to the bed

I then saw jungkook walking up towards Luke and throwing a ouch on him. I then saw unnie and there boyfriends . I Immediately got up from the bed and ran towards them hugging them and crying on there shoulders. The the police arrived and took Luke under arrested . After the incident happed. They were not going to leave me alone . So they all ended up sleeping with me at the hospital. Jungkook was going to sleep by me JISOO and Jin was going to sleep on the sofa and taehyung /Jennie was sleeping on the other sofa.

WARNING ⚠️ smut

I then was about to go to sleep when I heard a soft Moan in the room I quietly looked around and saw jungkook touching him self

Jungkook : uh- ugh ugh
Jungkook ahh y/n just like that

I then immediately freezed d- di- did he just said my name I . I was watching what was in front of me . I tried to calm my horny ass .but I couldn't. I went toward jungkook c** and stated to move it up and down . When he saw me he immediately looked at me and smirked he then . Kissed me but not that hard . The kiss was full of love and passionate. I then went on top of him and started to grin on him . We then groan of the sudden pleasure.

Jungkook : ba-by g-irl j- just li-ke that ughhhhh.....

Then jungkook flipped me over and said

Jungkook : tommrow you won't be able to walk.

He then pulled of my cloth and I was only left with my panties and bra I tried to cover myself but jungkook snatched the blanket from my body and stared at my body while licking his lips.

Jungkook: what a delicious meal I have here .

He then took off my panties and start lick my -

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