❦𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11❦

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II No one POV II

They were currently waiting for there fling to come. When they got here a lot of people recognize them and here was a huge paparazzi


Y/n POv

I am waiting for my sister rose to get downstairs. It was currently 6 in the morning I decided to have cofee to get me energetic. My sister came with shorts and a white plain t shirt.

Y/n: you done checking yourself out in the mirror?
Rose: yah don't tease me. I have to look good for my jiminie

I scrench up my nose from the weird habit of her changing her boyfriend name each day and only talking about him instead of the trip yesterday.

Y/n: alright let's go I'm tieed of waiting for you all the time

Rose: fine fine let's gooo!!!,

We then wanted for the others to pick us up. Soon a lot of waiting *it only took
3 minutes but whatever* they finally came l

Y/n: yah what took you so long you know my legs are going to breach from standing here for minutes even thou it felt like hour !?!?

Jin: young lady is that how you speck to your elders .

JISOO: ahh don't mind her I know why she is so cranky.

JISOO: it might be from waiting for rose to be finish with picking on her clothing.

I then looked back at my sister already snuggleing her boyfriend that was jimin.I then tended to the person who was in front of me and saw jungkook. I saw jungkook stating at me during the whole car ride. I would sometime ask him if there was anything on my face but he would alway saw " oh I wasn't looking at you I was looking at the window .'" We finally reach to the ariporst as soon as we steeps our door in the air port we heard people mumbling

#1: OMGSHHHhhhh is that jungkook ahhhh 💕

#2 : Ahhh it's Y/n!!!

#3: Lisa notice are me I'm better than taehyung.

#4: ahhh my angle rose I love you plss leave jim8n I am better I can treat you like a queen.


#5,#4,#123#89: Y/N MARRy ME💕💕💕

Then soon a lot of the people who were in the airport noticed us and soon the paparazzi happens. We were able to successfully in escape the crowd of crazy fans. We decided to sit on the chair and waiting for ournplain to arrive .


Jioo : hey y/n snap out of your thoughts didn't you hear they called our airplane name let's go.

Y/n: okay coming

Ingrabed my stuff and headed to the airplain. I then took a seat to the 1 class private airplane set. Not to mention only rich people are here I reach there destiny in a fast way. It took our for an hour.

#1 pilot : alright mam and gentle man your ride is done we have came to your location, 📍

We then headed it to our house. U then opened the mansion and saw a beautiful white walls with cute little decorated stuff, I placed my stuff in the living room floor and ran inside of the house exploring it every inch of it. I then came across a basement I decided to go there the stairs looked old and rusty. When all of a sudden I saw black stuff and fell.

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