Chapter 45: The struggle for the truth

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Idk how to write smut!!!! Sorry!!!! 

by the way I think I mixed up Kennedy's hair colour somewhere in there so just to make it clear its naturally light brown, she dyed it blonde and now its back to brown but im pretty sure I said her hair was blonde and she dyed it brown which doesn't make any sense since her hair is naturally brown. anyway, when im not lazy i'll go back and fix the mistake kk thanks.

Songs for this chapter:

Strike a chord by Lucas Marston

Wicked games by The Weeknd


The sunlight feels good against my face. Someone's hand is tracing patterns on my hip, their arm wrapped around my naked body. Justin's sheets were around our naked bodies, covering us up. I let out a breath unsure what to do. Last night was... amazing. But I couldn't help but feel guilty. 

"Good morning," Justin whispers, sending chills down my spine. I turn over in the bed to face him. His brown eyes scan my face and he pushes back a strand of my hair. "Kennedy i-" 

"Wait, Justin." I sigh. "We need to talk about this, all.... of this." His hand drops from my face and I already feel sick. He looks away from me, turning onto his side. I bit on my bottom lip before rolling off the bed. I really didn't want to get out of bed. As much as I wish that Justin and I could lay in bed for hours, sleeping tightly in each others arms, we can't.

We need to talk this out because whatever the hell this is. I know I have feelings for Justin. In the past few months I've been falliing for him so quickly I haven't even seen it coming. I'm still in shock that Justin somehow knew about the whole switch-a-roo thing.

I hear the sound of the shower turning on and I take that as my cue to leave so I could take a shower myself. My feet hit the cold floor and I get off the bed, searching for my discarded clothes from last night. I leave the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I tried to cover up as much as could just in case if any of Justin's house keepers or something were upstairs. I rush into my room, closing the door behind myself. I drop the clothes to the floor and rake my fingers through my hair.

I slip into the bathroom connected to my bedroom, starting the warm water. The water feels good against my skin. After the well needed shower, I dry myself off and changed into some fresh clothes. When I put on the black joggers and plain grey shirt I tie my hair up, not caring if it's still dripping from not being compleatly dried up with the towel. 

When I think i'm ready, I head downstairs. The whole place is really quiet. I hear the sound of pots and pans being hit together as I pass by the kitchen. I slowly walk in, trying to be as quiet as I can. Justin had set a table with food laying out. I make my way over to the table, sitting across from the quiet boy.

Neither one of us say a word. The silent was slowly killing me. "About last night..." 

"Kennedy, I know you might be regretting what happened but I regret nothing," Justin straight up tells me. "No, Justin, listen to me. I am not, Ashley. I'm Kennedy, I was freaking pretending to be your girlfriend for the past month I don't know why you're so okay with this. Do you even know where your actually girlfriend is right now?" 

"Well no... but-" 

"But what? Justin, I can't do this." I sigh, getting up from my seat. Justin rushes out of his own, striding over me to me. "No, wait, listen Kennedy." He grabs onto my wrist, pulling me back closer to him before I could escape. 

"i've always really liked you," He whispers, pushing back a loose strand of my hair. "We can make this work," 

"How, Justin? Your girlfriend is gone right now, traveling the world and you're here, with me. You can't just break up with her over the phone. My family doesn't even know that i'm here as Kennedy, my best friend back home in Seattle doesn't even know. You can't just end things with Ashley and move on with me, it's not going to work that way." I explain, trying to not pull out my hair. 

Why did I ever agree to do this in the first place? "Does anyone other than Ashley know about this?" 

"Yes.. Austin does. He found out the night of the party when you got super drunk." A flash of hurt and something else is seen in Justin's eyes before he sighs. "Well, I knew this entire time too." He grumbles. 

"Yeah, about that.. how did you even know? I want to ask my sister but one she would never tell me why and two she would get pissed off if you 'found out' I wasn't her. But clearly neither one of us saw this coming." 

What Justin says next takes me by surprise. "I can't tell you."

"What do you mean you can't tell me? I have the right to know." I argue, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Kennedy, it's a long story."

"We have time, Justin. We need to figure this out." I explain. "I've gone through so much for this, i've lied to my bestfriend, to my family who I haven't seen in ages, I lied to Ashley and your's friends, I found out my mother is freaking alive and back in LA, I deserve to know for all this!" I yell at him, not being able to hold it back anymore.

Justin shakes his head, "It isn't a good time to explain," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. His brown eyes flick between me and the floor. "I have to go to the studio." 

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I grumble, walking out the kitchen. "Wait, where are you going?!" Justin yells after me. 

"As far away from you!" I yell, slamming the door shut as I escape from his place. There's only one place to go.



Wow this was a really crappy update :/ okay its a little over due and I'm sorry about that I was suppose to update a few days ago but then I had a math test and a english test then my spanish test and I was busy with science lab and bleh. So then I quickly finished up the chapter today since I wasn't home yesterday to update sorry about that.

Quick question, do any of you guys watch the 100? I love that show soo much! 


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