Chapter 22: At the studio

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Songs for this chapter:

Write your name by Selena Gomez

Undercover by Selena Gomez


"Babe, im going to the studio and I thought that maybe you would want to come." Justin offered. "Oh no, its okay." I said trying to decline his offer to go to the studio with him. "Please. Why wont you come?" He asked as he re adjusted his gold watch. "I dont think its a good idea. Plus I think i'll call Alex or Vanessa since Lee (A/N: Lee is a nick name for Ashley Tisdale if you dont remeber) Is at a photo shoot today."

"Come on! Please, you havn't been there in awhile. Plus Scooter wants to see youuuu." He dragged on. "Argh fine. Let me just get changed." I got up from where I was sitting and went up to my bedroom. Justin didnt bother me that much about staying in his bedroom with him but he would still try to get to go to bed with him. I havn't seen Justin much this week. He's been in the studio almost every hour of the day. Right now it was around eight thirty so I decided to wear something warm since it would probably be chilly outside.

But of course everything Ashley owned would be so revealing. I sighed and grabbed a grey crop top and a pair of black baggy pants. I quickly put on my black sneakers and tied my hair up into a ponytail and I was ready.

"Im ready."

Justin looked up from his phone and smiled. "Its a little chilly out."

"I have nothing for a chilly day." I pouted. "I think I have something for you," He smirked. "Be right back, babe." He quickly jogged past me and and down the mansion hall. His mansion was so big and pretty. I stared up at the chandlier hanging above my head. Justin soon came back holding a big red flannel in his arms. "Here you go," He helped me put on the red flannel before taking  afew steps back a smile on his face. "You should wear my clothes more often because, you look hella rad." He winked. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. "Thanks..." I murmured. "Ready to go?"


We walked out of his place and towards his slim, black car. "To the studio!" He shouted loudly.


"Looks like you have some people waiting for you." I pointed towards the crowd at the studio. "Papparazzi." He nodded as he parked. We both got put of the car and Justin quickly jogged to my side of the car and pulled me closer to him, lacing our hands together. "We'll go through the back door." We walked together hand in hand, camera lights flashing as some of the paparazzi who noticed us, followed us. I tried not to look straight that them. I felt uncomfortable being followed around espically since these guy had cameras and these pictures would probably be posted all over the internet.

We made our way to the back and quickly went up the stairs and to the doorway. As soon as we got in we were greated by a few guys. "Ash you remeber, alfredo right?" He said gesturing to the guy smiling infront of us. "Hey, Alfredo." I smiled. "Hows it going, Ashley?" He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back. The two other guys were Ryan and Chaz as Justin told me. "You've met Ryan and remember skyping, Chaz?" Justin asked as we walked to his sound booth. "Yes I remeber," I lied.

"Yo, JB!"

"Scooter!" Justin bro hugged a man who I assume was his manager. "Scooter, you remember my girlfriend Ashley, right?" Justin spoke. My heart fluttered when he said the word 'girlfriend'.

"Of course. How aree you Ashley?" Scooter asked shaking my hand. "Im great thank you." I smiled. "Khalil is coming soon. He was out with someone ealier today so he might be a little late." Scooter informed. "Okay. Let's get started. Babe, you coming in?" Justin asked. "Ya sure."

I took a seat on a red couch while Justin walked into the sound booth and put on some headphones and stood infront of a microphone. I listened to him singing. He had a really nice voice.

Of course his voice didnt matter to my sister. Ashley only cared about looks and how good the guy could fuck her. But its not like Justin cared anyways. But I noticed Justin in a more happier mood. He wasnt all 'oh im so thug' around me that much. He could be really sweet.

And I liked that.

I took out my phone and went on my instagram (Technically Ashley's instagram) and scrolled through the stuff. I decided to take a picture. I took a picture of me doing the duck face for fun and quickly uploaded it on instagram.

@AshleyKing: duck face cuz why nottt

I also tagged the picture on my twitter and quickly made a tweet.

@Ashley_King: someone bring me food

I laughed at my tweet. I realled wanted a blizard from DQ or something.

I kept taking selfies on my phone for fun and photos of the studio. After Justin finished he listened to the recordings, sitting behind the giant Mac computer. "What do you think?" He asked after the song finished. "I really like it." And I was telling the truth. It was the kind of song I would play on repeat.

Justin took out his phone and started to text someone so I did the same, texting Vanessa.

I noticed Justin on Shots trying to take a selfie so I sneakily took a photo of him taking a picture of hm taking a picture on shots and put it on instagram captioning:

@AshleyKing: Busted. #Burnt #Youtaketoomanyshots #busted

Justin got a notifcation off instagram and gave me a look. "Ashley!" I laughed. "You take wayyy too many photos." I giggled.

"Come lets take a picture together on shots."

"No im good." I laughed getting out of my seat. I stood up and look to the side looking at the booth. I saw Justin taking pictures of me but I choosed to ignore him for now. "You wanna try the sound booth?" He asked putting his phone away and walking over to me. "Can i?"

"Of course." He laughed. I walked in and tried the head phones. "This is so cool!"

"Why dont you sing for me now since you are here." Justin offered. His phone was out again taking pictures. "Justin stop taking pictures of me." I groaned trying to cover my face away from his camera. "No," He laughed.

"I need pictures of my girlfriend on my phone."


It was now around two in the morning and we were leaving the studio for food. "We'll come back around six in the morning since I need an early start." Justin explained. "Sure." As we exited the studio I saw many fans waiting for Justin. "Justin!" They secreamed loudly.

Justin took his time taking pictures with his beliebers, kissing their cheeks, holding their hands, hugging them and all that cute stuff. I smiled in awe. He really did love his beliebers. A few of them even asked to get a photo with me which I thought was sweet. "Bye guys!" Justin yelled and I waved. "Nice meeting you!" I called out.

We got into Justins car and soon drove away from the studio. 

"Sometimes I just want to drive away from everyone to somewhere far away with no one there." Justin sighed over the music playing softly in the car.

"Then lets drive away to somewhere." I murmured.

"Anywhere with you." He soflty spoke as we drove down the dark, empty street.



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