Chapter 21: Flash backs

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I was super busy this past week with like grad ceremony, grad dance, last day of school and like the beach, boating with friends and blah blah blah. Anyways im back now for more updates! yAY.

Songs for this chapter:

Life of the party by Shawn Mendes

Shower by Becky G

Somebody to you by The Vamps


"Wait so she's married?" Justin gasped. I was giving him a little background story on Aunt Pearls (Kayla, Kori's mother) "Ya," I said. "Her last husband Mr Pearls married her and when he found out she was seeing someone behind his back he decided to leave her without an divorce so she coudnt get married again or something like that anyways. She's been trying to track him down but they coudnt." I shook my head. 

We were curently at an old pub eating chicken wings and rootbeer. Justin told me stories about him and his little brother, Jaxon, and litte sister, Jazmyn, and he told me stories about 'us' in the past. Like when he asked 'me' out and the day 'we' went to the beach. Basically all the things he did with the real Ashley.

"Do you remember when you and I went to visit my family and Kennedy showed up for a day on Thanks giving?" I asked. Justin's eyes lightup slightly. "Ya, I remember." He said, "She kept telling me how annoying I was. And she thought I was sefl centered." He snorted. "And you didn't saying anything else to her?" I questioned taking a sip of my beer. He at first had a confused look on his face before he realized and shook his head quickly. "Nope."


"Oh right! Beacause we were secrety getting drunk in basment with my dad liquor!" I faux exclaimed. "Uh ya..." Justin chuckled lightly. So he didnt tell Ashley about that night.

*Flash back*

"Kennedy this is by boyfriend, Justin." Ashley introduced me to her new popstar boyfriend. I took a look at him and scoffed. Why would she date him? 

But she's Ashley and she catches every guys with not only her looks but her wild girl personality. Of course a total douch bag would date her.

"Justin this is my sister, Kennedy."

"Hey," He smiled slyly. I pursed my lips and just nodded my head before turning away from the couple. "Ignore her. She's just a jealous bitch." Ashley spat. I heard Justin chuckle, agreeing with her, but I felt his eyes watching me leave.

~After dinner~

"Kennedy are you sure you dont want to stay?" Dad asked. "No im good. I have things to do back home." I sterntly said. Dad slowly nodded a slight pang of sadness hitting him.

We both new this was no longer my home. Never was and never would be. "Well it was nice to see you come for Thanks giving. When would you be coming back?" He asked.


"I dont know."  I murmured.

I left dinning room and spotted Justin in the hall. I decided to wonder somewhere else away from him. I just didnt like that kid. "hey, Kennedy." His voice called me out. I rolled my eyes and turned to see myself face to face with my sisters boyfriend. "How's it going?" He asked sweetly. I scoffed. "We both know you dont care."

"Why are you so up tight?" He spat.

"Im not," I snapped. "Im just not an idiot."

He rolled his eyes. "so I guess you dont find me attractive?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "You're right I dont find you attractive in anyway."

"Oh come on. We both know you're lying." He murmured taking a step closer to me. He licked his lips, "I've heard a lot about you." He whispered.

I took a step back. "Where's Ashley?" I asked.

"Drinking in the basement." He replied. "What?!" He shrugged. "She does this all the time. She's pretty drunk right now with some family friend of yours."


"I dont know his name but its a guy."

"They always did bad stuff together when we were younger. That doesnt matter. Does she know that you're up here with me?" I asked worridly. "She actually thinks that guy is me." He huffed out.

I ran to the basement sure enough Ashley was making out with an older looking Ron Loy. "Justin." she gasped as he touched her. "Oh my god! Ron get off of her!" I said as I yanked him off and pushed him to the ground. "Ashley you're drunk."

"Who cares?" She giggled. Then she passed out.

"Do you even care about your girlfriend?" I asked Justin angrily.

"I do.."

"So you dont mind her kissing random guys?!"

"It doesnt matter," He spat. "Its not like I really like her anyways. It stupid right? Im chasing her because the one I like doesnt even-" He whispered. "What?" My eyes widened. Did i hear him right. "i said, nevermind." He huffed. "Whatever." I socffed. "Just get out of here if you know whats best for you. Take care of her. But I woudnt be surprised if you didnt." "I can change." He mutterd. "Ya but why would I care?" I asked. He shrugged. "Bye, Kennedy. See you..." He whispered the last part.

I scoffed and left the basement and out the door of my fathers house.

I hate it here.

*end of flash back*

"Hey um, austin said he's picking me up after this. So i'll see you later?" I asked. "Ya." Justin sighed. "I'll be recording all night so i'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"Bye." I stood up from the table and walked out the door of the pub.

As I walked to the place I agreed to meet Austin I wondered why I was still doing this.

For ashley.

A voice in my head told me

But we both knew I was lying.


Crap update. Sorry. im tireddd. Hows your summer going so far? Happy Canada day btw. (I live in canada so yaaa. haha)


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