82| i'm home

502 13 1

It was eventful.

But we did it.

The last part of the day I remember was being pulled off the back of the dragon. From there, black. I could see him. Voldemort.

He knows we have it, I'm certain. Not only that, he knows we are hunting all the Horcruxes. He knows if we find them all he will be mortal, we could kill him.

I know now that he will do anything to stop us from finding more.

"Wake up, please." I heard someone shouting but if was more muffled, covered by white noise. My vision was blurred but I was starting to make sense of the figures. They were drenched. Only Hermione and Ron were stood over me and I laid still for a moment, that's until I turned over coughing up water from my lungs.

"What the fuck happened?" I gasped through my retches.

"You and Harry both blacked out in the water. I imagine you had a vision." Hermione answered crouching beside me whilst rubbing my back comfortingly. "Does he know?" She sounded concerned, panicked almost. When I nodded she stood up rubbing her temples. I looked to my left and saw Harry laying still staring up at the sky.

"Haz, you saw it too right?" He gave me a single nod and I facepalmed myself. We may have been successful but this only made us fail too. It was a lose, lose situation.

He looked pale, lost. Like he was drained of all his colour and emotions. "Not only that. I saw something else. There's a Horcrux in Hogwarts." He mumbled sitting up whilst taking off his top. My eyes widened, breaking into a death eaters vault was one thing but going back to Hogwarts while Snape is the headmaster and with how well known we are there is a big risk.

"One of us needs to go home. Tell everyone what's going on." I argued standing up looking at Ron. I smiled and nodded confirming it should be him. "It should be you, they're your family."

"No, no I should stay. All of us should." He shook his head profusely whilst crossing his arms over his chest. He looked perfectly fine considering what we went through. Sure, he looked a little rough around the edges but he still had his determination that we all needed right now.

"Katherine's right. They all need to know that we have one, that we know where another is." Harry pointed to me whilst looking at the ground in deep thought. "If they think we have made zero progress, they'll lose hope." He ran his fingers through his hair still not meeting our eyes, "she's also right about it being you. We may love them like family but they are YOUR family." He finally looked up at Ron giving him a weak, forced smile the best he could.

"I'm not leaving." He replied back sternly, "we are too close for me to back out now." He took off his shirt taking the one Hermione was holding out to him. "Save time arguing about it, Kat go. Fred and George are probably out their minds worrying about you." He chuckled squeezing my shoulders softly, quickly kissing my forehead.

I felt like I should have refused, turned it down to not be selfish. I couldn't. I wanted to see them with all I am. It may have only been a week or so since I had last seen them but seeing them both always made me feel like I had no problems. Like everything was perfect. They had that effect on me no matter what.

"Are you sure?" I looked at them all with saddened eyes feeling a flood of guilt at the thought of leaving them all. They all nodded hugging me one by one. "How will I find you?" I gasped knowing this would never work.

"Hogwarts. Just be discreet getting in. Meet us in the room of requirements." Harry nodded giving me a second hug while whispering an 'I love you' in my ear. I squeezed him tighter whispering it back feeling tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now