35| little late night snack

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"It's beautiful isn't it...the moon" Ron asked me as we stared solely outside the window mesmerised by the brightly shining circle that hung in the night sky, feeling overcome with lust for someone in particular. "No Ron, she's beautiful..." I spoke back feeling that I wanted her more than I have anyone before "she really is!" He responded ecstatically only making us both giggle giddily while thinking about her.

"Who are you talking about." We instantly snapped our heads to see who stood behind us in sync, seeing my brother staring at us warily "so you two finally friends again?...had yourselves a little late night snack did we?" He questioned holding up the now empty chocolate box to our faces. "It was on your bed...so we ate them. All of them." I answered still giggling like a child.

"I can't stop thinking about her" Ron interrupted, usually I would scathe him for being rude but I felt like I cared for nothing but her in this moment, I agreed with him wholeheartedly. Not even Ronalds rude manners could cause me to snap. "Really? I thought she was starting to annoy you." He chuckled while picking up the wrappers littered around the whole room, not that the mess that already was in their room looked any worse by them.

"ANNOY HIM! She could never annoy us...we love her." I spat at him getting overly defensive on the matter of talking bad about her. "That's...uh- brilliant, but don't you hate her Kat?" he gave me a look of concern not sounding serious, just confused, only irritating me. He didn't know how I felt right now, so head over heels in love with her. "Do you think she knows we exist?" I asked him ignoring his question keeping the large grin and the girly flirtatious look on my face. If I wasn't so caught up with the thought of her, I would be embarrassed on how I was acting. I just didn't care, I was infatuated with her.

"I bloody hope she knows Ron you've been snogging her for months and K you've been arguing with her for months..."

"Snogging? Who you talking about?" Ron asked him, now confused himself. "Who you two talking about?" He asked and Ron and I gave each other identical smiles at the thought of her, "Romilda of course!" I screeched standing up from my place roaming around the room elegantly, looking creepily obsessed. "Romilda Vane!" Ron finished, joining me gliding around, spinning each other along the floor. His hand in mine as we twirled eachother not giving a damn how stupid we might look, we were acting like fan girls. Who would of thought.

"Okay you're both very funny, jokes over!"

"IT'S NO JOKE, WE'RE IN LOVE WITH HER!" We both screamed at him in unison hoping to the point of how we felt across to him. Ron also grabbed the chocolate box that sat on the bed slamming it along the floor for dramatic effect, making me laugh that he felt the same rage I did at Harry not taking the topic seriously enough.

"Alright fine you're in love with her, hang on...have you ever actually met her?" I scoffed at his sarcastic tone but got past that fact quickly, Harry knew Romilda more than Ron and I, not much more but more. "Can you introduce us! Please Harry I've never felt love like this!" I screeched gripping on his arm like a child begging. It was awkwardly silent for a moment or two where Harry was deep in thought, the anticipation of his answer clearly driving us both crazy. He then reached for the box that had previously been disregarded along the floor, pulling out the handwritten note inside.

"Is that for us? Does she love us back!" Ron asked reaching for the letter, only a second before he got it Harry withdrew his hand keeping the letter out of reach. He thought silently for another moment, tapping his finger to his chin in the process. "Come on guys, I'm going to introduce you to Romilda Vane..." Ron and I immediately gasped running for the door immaturely, impatient to meet the 'love of our lives'.


"Why would Romilda be here?" I questioned Harry angrily, not liking the trick he had brought us into. He didn't answer only knocked on the door to the room I knew as Professor Slughorns, I scoffed at his ignorance to my questions and tried to turn around to find her but he grabbed my arm before I had even made a step. "Sorry to bother you sir, I wouldn't if it weren't absolutely essential..." the Professor inspected us from where we stood before him, reluctantly opening the door wider for us to enter. "I want to see Romilda, not Slughorn!" I shouted ripping my arm from his grip, crossing my arms in a strop "what's wrong with them two?" Slughorn whispered to Harry, it wouldn't of surprised me if he thought we were on some next level drugs. We sure as hell were acting like it...

"Very powerful love potion..." Harry answered pushing me on the sofa to take a seat, Horace began rummaging through to multiple cupboards and cabinets collecting different ingredients. He mixed them together in two separate goblets handing them to us, I refused for a moment still in a huff. But inevitably gave up chugging the rather sweet liquid in one. The blurry feeling in my mind disappeared almost instantly as well as the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I felt much worse than I had before, baffled on what had just occurred.

"I feel sick..." Was the first thing to leave my mouth after being cured, I felt dizzy the confusion added to that only just made it worse. "You two need a pick me up!" The Professor mentioned as he scurried off to the other side of the room, collecting glasses from the side. "I had other purposes for this, but considering the circumstances. It's perfect for the occasion." He popped the cork from the bottle as I threw my head back on the top of the couch, hoping it would improve the nausea.

"Here you are Potters, Weasley should make you feel better in a jiffy!" Without a thought I took a gulp of the drink hoping it would do the trick like he said it would, I suddenly got distracted by Ron flopping to the floor, smashing his glass in the process. I was about to check on him, run to his side in a state of panic, when my vision went and I felt myself lose control over my body. The sickly feeling I had, had before the drink only worsened and I too felt myself drop...

- ew I hate this chapter sm but I'm legit so unmotivated sorry loves ❤️

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