15| I love you

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Arriving back to Hogwarts didn't have the buzz it used to, knowing Umbridge will be there for our return dampened everyone's mood. That was until Hermione gave us the news of Hagrid being back, the trio and I ran down to his hut near the forbidden forest to see the man who has been on suspicious leave for the whole of our fifth year so far.

We came to a sudden stop outside his home when we heard the familiar voice of the horrid teacher, and by that, you know exactly who I'm talking about. She was questioning his reasons for being on leave which he didn't give a straight answer to, but we were here to find that out ourselves.

"This is top secret, Dumbledore sent me to party with the giants," He said in a half-whisper while holding a raw piece of meat on his bruised, cut face.

"Aren't they like your family?" I asked with an obvious tone to the man.

My question was ignored when Hermione spoke up. "You found them?" She asked him rather loudly making him shush her.

"Their not that hard to find to be perfectly honest, they're so big you see. I tried to convince them to join the cause, but I wasn't the only one trying to win them over..." He said while throwing his begging dog the meat he was using to cool his injuries.

"Death eaters?" Ron said quietly while staring at the table.

"Yes trying to convince them to join You Know Who." His words hit me like stone, Voldemort is recruiting giants for the war, what else has he got in his possession?

"If he's recruiting death eaters does that mean I- It's happening soon? No wait- did they join him?" There were so many things I wanted answers too but I thought it best to keep it brief and understandable.

"Some of them remember he was friendly to them, I suppose..."

"And they did this to you?" Harry asked in his strong bold voice which I hadn't heard in a while, especially not when it comes to the Dark Lord topic.

"Not exactly no." The conversation was put to a halt when large winds were heard from outside. "It's changing out there, just like last time. There's a storm coming kids, and we best be ready when she does."


'We can confirm that 10 high-security prisoners in the early hours of yesterday evening, did escape. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from Azkaban, notorious, mass murderer. Sirius Black, cousin of escapee Bellatrix Lestrange.'

The article of the Daily Prophet was being passed up and down the tables in the Great hall everyone feeling rather terrified of the news and it hit Neville harder than anyone, and no one knew the reason.

"They are seriously gonna blame Padfoot for this?" I said as I walked in with Mione, Ron and Harry when we were stopped in our tracks by Seamus Finnigan.

"Katherine, Harry. I- uh wanted to apologise me mum even said the Prophets version don't add up, so- what I'm really trying to say is I believe you..." even with his strong Irish accent I could clearly hear the remorse and guilt in his voice making me smile at his words. Before sitting down to read over some books before my first O.W.L exam.


Me and my classmates were patiently waiting for Astronomy exam to be finished to attend another DA meeting, it was getting harder to sneak around Filch who was arse licking Professor Umbridge like crazy. Today Harry is to teach us the Patronus Charm, which he was taught by Professor Lupin back in the third year it is a difficult spell and only my brother can do it at our age.

"That will be all hand in your exams at the front and pack your belongings." Professor Sinistra spoke up snapping me out of my daydream, I quickly did as she asked and rushed out the room with my friends following behind.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now