4| blood superiority.

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Katherine was sat on a bench writing her essay for potions, Snape sure liked to torture them with an assignment of writing a 2,000-word essay due in the next day. He was usually friendlier and less harsh on Slytherins but that wasn't the case with her, he constantly spoke ill of her parents and just purely hated the girl. The worst part about it was that she could hardly defend her parents as  she knew little about them herself, apart from the fact they were wizards, who died at the hands of Voldemort. Kat knew they were gifted by the information she had received from Professors that taught them during their time in Hogwarts when they were in their youths.

Students entered the Hall to put their names in the 'Goblet of Fire' when Katherine caught sight of Cedric, he smiled and she returned it as he was making his way over to her. "You're entering the tournament?" She questioned him, placing her parchment and quill next to her on the bench to give him her undivided attention.

"I am, eternal glory sounds quite intriguing don't you think?" He spoke confidently as if he was trying to convince himself that he should be going through with it.

"I suppose, are you sure you've thought this through, to quote Dumbledore you have to take part in three 'deadly tasks'?" Katherine spoke with so much worry, which was unintended but it was her true emotion, although she had briefly met Cedric and they had a rocky start at the Quidditch tournament she wanted him to be safe.

"Yes, I'm sure." Cedric spoke, holding up his slip of paper with his name written on it giving her arm a reassuring squeeze to say that he would be alright, calming her nerves ever so slightly.

"Well good luck Diggory, try not to die..." He chuckled at her words and turned on his heel to walk off but not before looking back to flash her his signature charming smile.

"AH!" Kat screeched as two people touched each of her shoulders, "don't do that you pricks!" She spoke slamming her book shut her heart still racing from the surprise attack.

"Did you not hear us come in we were practically shouting, or were you too busy with Dig-" George was quickly interrupted by his twin,

"So what's going on with you and Diggory?" Fred spoke up looking into her eyes without his usual cheeky grin, she couldn't tell if this was curiosity or a hint of jealousy.

Katherine quickly pushed the thoughts away giving a barely believable answer. "What? Nothing I was just wishing him luck..."

Fred only nodded, obviously not believing her in the slightest and turned away from her staring at Cedric with a stern look on his face, one she hadn't seen before making her nervous, not being used to his serious side.

"You should be wishing us luck look what we've got!" George held up a vial, but before she could ask what it was Hermione closed her book.

"It's not going to work." She sang to them and they both hopped down to the bench below Katherine, Fred's mood instantly lifting as they sat either side of her.

"Oh yeah and why's that Granger?" They mocked as she began to explain herself piquing Kat's interest at her well-explained argument.

"You see this? This is an age line Dumbledore drew it himself." Hermione said, pointing to the glowing blue mist lining around the goblet with her wand, using an obvious tone speaking to the boys as if they were idiots, only making the situation funnier.

"So?" They said in unison, like always.

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an ageing potion!" She practically grunted at how oblivious they were to anything she was saying, knowing no matter how much she tried to discourage them, nothing would stop them. After all once Fred and George set something in their mind there is no stopping them, even if they know they'll regret it after.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now