17| godfather. part 2

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As we ran across the bridge we saw the two we were looking for doing the same from the opposite end. "How did you get away?" Hermione called breathless from running.

"Puking pastilles, it was genius, Ron!" I said with a proud tone he gave me a massive grin handing Hermione and Harry their wands.
"So how are we getting to London?" Neville asked us and I just looked at Harry for an answer,
"Look it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done but Katherine and I need to do this. We've got you in enough trouble as it is"

"No Haz, our friends are offering their help we are going to take it, for Sirius," I said crossing my arms at him, I didn't like how he was shutting them all out after we so clearly need their help.

He reluctantly nodded, "So how are we going to get to London?" He asked as I smiled at my success turning to Luna giving her a knowing look.

"We fly of course" Luna spoke up with the exact response I was hoping for.


Watching Ron, Hermione and Neville climbing on something they couldn't see was definitely a funny sight which I would have enjoyed watching any other time, but with Sirius' life on the line, I was in a state of panic. Thestrals were beautiful, sturdy flyers making the journey somewhat enjoyable, I was sat on one with Hermione who was gripping on to me for dear life with her eyes closed.

When we began soaring over the city the pit in my stomach grew at the thought of my friends or my family getting hurt. We took the visitors entrance to the Ministry as it was late at night running through the empty halls towards the department Harry mentioned. We all had our wands at the ready preparing ourself for the danger we were putting ourselves in.

We jumped in the lift taking us down to the Department of Mysteries, no one stopped to think we all ran at a steady pace towards the entrance of the room. The room was the same from my dream the orb filled shelves, not glowing a blue colour as they were in my visions but it was the same room.

It was quiet, too quiet.

The only source of light coming from the Lumos charms on our wands as we walked up and down the aisles in search for our godfather.

"He should be here!" Harry called his voice echoing throughout the whole room.

"Harry, Katherine it's got your name on it," Neville said staring up at a shelf, confused I walked over to him to see what he was talking about. A singular glowing orb sat on the fifth shelf with a name tag as Neville had mentioned, Harry reached out to take it off the stand as it began to whisper words out to me. It didn't feel like I was hearing these whispers aloud but more like a voice in my head.

'The ones with the powers to vanquish the Dark Lord approach, the Dark Lord shall make them as his equals but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not' I felt a cold chill run over my skin snapping me from still like stance to turn around to my friends. The voice was heard once more 'Can neither one live while the other survives' this scared me not knowing whether that was about me and Harry or Voldemort.

"Harry!" I shouted tapping his arm pushing his attention on a black-cloaked masked man, the same masks from the final task. "Where's Sirius?" I snapped at him still unaware of his Identity.

"You really should be able to tell the difference between dreams and reality." The man spoke removing his mask with his wand, revealing a long platinum blonde-haired man we all knew as Lucius Malfoy. "You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see, now hand me the prophecy!"

"You do anything to us and I'll break it," my brother said confidently surprising even me. When a loud cackle came from behind Lucius revealing a face I recognised but one I couldn't quite pin-point.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now