85| bottled up

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It was unusual for me to be up this early but I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think of a believable or valid excuse not to sleep beside him.

I've promised myself that I wouldn't be sexual with him and I will continue to stand by that, but I would have to share his bed or he would for certain know somethings up.

I found myself laying beside him as he slept, glaring at him; I was trying my hardest to act as if I hated him in my own mind but I loved him and that only made it ten times harder.

I didn't deserve this, I wasn't perfect but I sure as hell wasn't a bad person. I wouldn't wish this kind of hurt on my worst enemy.

I leant over checking his alarm clock that sat on his bedside table, it read six am. That was a reasonable enough time to get up. I couldn't stand laying next to him any longer.

I got out of bed, grabbing my jumper rather than Fred's to put on, I didn't want to wear his clothes, I didn't want to touch him. I wanted him to leave me alone.

I crept downstairs avoiding the certain steps that creak; after years of practice sneaking out of Ginny's room to Fred's I knew my way around. The house was silent, just like I needed it to be. I was bottling everything up, I couldn't talk to anyone about it. This is Fred's family, not mine I can't drop this information on them.

"Sooo...are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" Ginny sang making me jump whilst collecting ingredients to make up some breakfast ready for when everyone wakes up. I instantly turned back to break eggs into a bowl trying to avoid the question. "We may have been apart for months but you're still my best friend, I know when somethings bothering you." She came up behind me wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"I can't talk to you about it Gin, not with this." I ducked out of her hold getting the milk from the fridge, Ginny would push, she's far too caring to leave my issues aside so easily.

"Ew it's not sexual is it?"

"NO!" I half-whispered pushing her out of the way of the workspace, "it's nothing like that, not with me anyway." I spat flopping down in a chair by the table. I was ready to give up. "Ignore that, I'm tired I'm talking shit." I smiled kissing her on the cheek to continue my act of normality. "If you're staying up, help me with this will you." I could see her complete look of confusion, trying to convince herself whether to let it go or push further. She was my best friend but I couldn't ruin a relationship between her and her brother, no matter what Fred did wrong I would never affect his family because of it. This was up to me to handle and me alone.

"Fine, I will get it out of you but I guess I'll drop it. For now." She giggled bumping my hip to move me out the way. I stuck my tongue out grabbing a handful of flour in my palm and blowing it into her face. I saw her mouth drop open and I got the sudden feeling that I had made a mistake. Ginny was ruthless when she wanted to be, that's why we got on so well, because so was I. "You bitch!" She gasped grabbing an egg and slamming it on the top of my head.

"Oh, you're getting it now!" I chased her around the table with the bowl of flour waiting till we were closer so I could get her. "Stop running!" I groaned slowing down my pace as a sign of defeat, I quickly changed directions catching up to her quickly, I took the opportunity. The entire bowl of flour was poured on the top of her head making us both erupt into fits of giggles.

"What on earth?" Molly panted from the doorway, a lumos charm lighting the tip of her wand. "Girls look at all this mess!" She tried to sound serious but the subtle smirk on her face told us otherwise. It was almost as if I could do anything and it wouldn't bother her.

"Why aren't you mad?" I questioned looking back and forth between both Molly and Ginny in confusion whilst pulling out eggshell pieces from my scalp.

"I'm just happy to see you smiling. I've barely seen that beautiful grin of yours since you arrived." She pinched my cheek lightly while scoffing at the state I was in. She pulled my head down to her level helping me gather all the remaining pieces. "I'll do breakfast and clean my ruined kitchen." She crossed her arms shaking her head while inspecting the white covered floor, "you shower, and don't drip any of it on the floor on your way up." She guided me towards the door and I didn't have it in me to protest. "Thank you, Ginny, you seem to have put her in a much better mood." I heard Molly whisper and it made my face light up with a smile, "it better not be that son of mine." She huffed and I continued on upstairs to do as she said.

Molly was right, Ginny had cheered me up. I didn't think about Fred once when she was messing about, because of that I felt like I had no problems. Now without Ginny as a distraction, he was back on my mind.

"I was wondering where you got off to." I heard the door open and I turned around cautiously not sure who would show up. I would have quite literally preferred anyone. "I'm not going to ask what happened to you," he looked me up and down with his cocky smirk that used to make my heart flutter, now it makes me want to punch him.

"Can you leave I need to shower?" I mumbled leaning down to the sink to rinse my eyes.

The last time we were in this bathroom together it took a very sexual turn and something was telling me he was going to try his luck again.

"I don't mind," he winked wrapping his arms around my waist as I leant over the sink, "let's get in then" he tickled my sides making me squirm my way out of his hold. What could I possibly say?

"No, thank you." I opened the bathroom door for him to leave and his eyes widened at the denial of his request. I gave him a push locking him out.

I wanted to mess with his head, just like he had done to me, that was exactly what was going to happen. I refuse to allow him to make me cave, he doesn't deserve my love let alone affection. I wouldn't want it from him in return.

For now, I just had to keep the peace.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now