102| heart over mind

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Feeling empty and feeling tired have such a strong connection to one another that you need to fully rest before you can figure out what is what.

Not today.

Katherine wasn't as much concerned anymore, instead, she was angry. Fair enough, if she had done something but nothing came to mind. Fred couldn't just leave her without trying to resolve an issue.


Sleep was what she wanted but her eyes were forcing themselves open. Fred was in for it. What she had done couldn't have been this serious, could it?

There are times she gives up. It's no excuse she knows that; she owns her behaviour. She tries to help, tries to be good, and then a trigger is flicked. Her emotions turn-- fearful, anxious... she backs away or strikes out at someone who loves her. Who she loves all the same. In those moments she is least proud of who she is. Instead, she shows the frightened child within, damaged and afraid, the one still hiding in the dark. Awaiting the next loss. Katherine knows these are things for her to work on. Katherine wants her fear triggers to be left alone until her body stops living in a state of flight or fight.

Until she finds a way back to being calm and steady. She hasn't been stable for many years. There isn't medicine that can heal this anguish, the out of place feeling she has constantly. So, like a stupid child, she holds wide eyes and shaking limbs, still looking for that dark place all over again.

It's not something you can just overcome as such. It's taking steps until you're mended. There isn't a time frame, nor an easier path. You take it as it comes, no shortcuts, no rush.

At this point she was angry. Blaming herself, why? She had massively improved since yesterday and jumped up out of bed. Opening her door in a quick motion and taking a few steps forward towards George's. She gave a slight knock in case they were asleep but was willing to wake George up for answers. No reply.

"Where is Fred?" She opened the door, looking at them both move at the volume of her voice. George's eyes opened slowly, closing again every few seconds. "Answer me, now." The anger dripping off her words woke him up more as he pushed himself on his elbows, his eyes adjusting the light of the early morning.

"Don't wake, Kyra!" He hushed a finger to his lips. "She is not a morning person." He whispered. Side-eyeing his wife to check for any movement. George rubbed at his eyes, trying to understand what this was about but he was still half asleep. His hair was stuck to his forehead as it was warm inside and his t-shirt was on back to front.

"Fred?" Katherine whispered expectantly, waiting for George to tell her where he was. He just looked at his bedside table, checking the clock that read six forty-two.

"Fucking hell, Kat." He groaned, laying his head flat on his pillow. "He's at mums." He waved her away, signalling for her to leave as he pulled the covers up to his shoulders. She smiled proudly, shutting their door as slowly as possible to not wake up Kyra.

She got a strange feeling from her, she wasn't trusting in people. So perhaps that was it but something was off. The way she was so kind yesterday just to push her into a panic moments later. A panic that lasted all night.

She didn't bother grabbing anything or even changing before stepping into the fireplace. A handful of Floo Powder in her hand, little specks falling through her fingers. She took a breath before calling out for the Burrow, watching as the room before her, disappear through the thick green flames that had every hue of the forest in the summertime.

Coughing occurred when she had reached there. The ash making it hard to breathe forcing her to jump out before she choked on the fumes. Molly had quickly poked her head around the door to the living room, her smile growing when seeing who walked through.

We will meet again ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now