What if I told you....

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Neil didn't think he'd felt this safe in his life, and he could practically see his mother rolling in her grave.

But he didn't care what she thought anymore. She was gone, and he was still working out how he felt about that, but he knew one thing for sure. He wouldn't allow her to take away the only thing good in his life right now. And that was the short, blond, angry, sixth year, Hufflepuff keeper named Andrew Minyard.

Neil was currently curled up in a ball ontop of the sixth year, while the older hugged him to his chest gently.

Andrew had been coming to find him after he missed charms and found him in the kitchens curled up in a ball  shaking with silent tears running down his face.

With a simple but important yes or no Andrew had brought him up to his dorm and into his bed were he preceded to hold him through his panic attack.

And now after the storm had passed I couldn't help snuggle deeper into Andrew's chest. He'd never held me before, we'd been hooking up for a few months now but Andrew made it clear that it was strictly physical.

Something I agreed with untill I started getting these butterflies in my stomach and shit. That and the urge to beat the shit out of anyone who said he was a monster.

Because if Andrew Minyard was a monster then he wouldn't be holding me right now.

"What happened."

His hotbreath right behind my ear sent shivers down my spine.



He never pushed. Sometimes I wished he would, and sometimes I wished I could answer questions he should never ask. But that's not how being the son of one of the UKs biggest mob bosses worked.

"It was- it was too loud."

I watched as his brow furrowed in concern as he looked at my glazed over eyes.

"What was too loud baby?" He asked softly, leaving behind every indication that we didn't have to talk about it, but non the less, showing interest. Something Andrew didn't do often.

I thought about peeves dropping heavy textbooks from the balcony and the loud noise that echoed across the courtyard as they landed. And how they so much sounded like gun shots.

It had become something I'd gotten used too. The sound of dead bodies dropping after a gunshot or a flick of a wand.

"The book?" Andrew encouraged, running a hand in smoothing circles across my back.

"They sounded like gunshots." I whispered into his chest barely audibly, and his eyes only filled with more worry.

"Baby...... where did you hear gunshots." He whispered just as quietly, running a hand through my hair encouragingly.

But this time his touch did no good. It only made me think of what he would lose if I explained. What I would lose if he lost it.

I've said too much already.

I shook my head furiously as tears started to gather.

"Its ok, it's ok. You don't have to tell me." He whispered into my ear once again.

I nodded back and tried to curl further into his chest, but instead he layed me down beside him on the bed and curled his arms around me protectively.

"They can't hurt you here. I won't let them."

That only made the tears overflow. Because they could come here. Nathan could call his son home at any moment, and threaten my mother's life as a bargaining token if I refused to come.

And then he would look into my mind and see what Andrew knew. What I had told him. I couldn't think about what would happen after that or I would start sobbing.

No where was safe. And I wouldn't let my fucked up life take away the one thing I had that made me feel safe.

I couldn't- I couldn't lose Andrew. I wouldn't let my demons become his.

But there was a problem. There was these feelings that I had..... these feelings that he didn't.......

I took a shaky breath and tried to calm down my heart, as it felt like it was beating a million miles an hour.

I didn't want to lose Andrew. I didn't want to. Ever. But it was inevitable. It was either he left me once he found out about my feelings for him, or he left the world by my own hands.

It was such an easy choice. Why was it so hard!?

"Andrew?" I whispered again, my voice cracking just the slightest.

I had to say it. It had to end this way.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked running his fingers through my hair once again.

I melted into the touch like it was the last time I would feel it. It was all the probability that it was.

"Don't leave me?" I asked softly.

Words so true yet they burned through me. Eating at my entire being.

Why did the truth hurt so much?

Why was I trying to make him stay when he could potentially die if he did for too long?

"Of course." He whispered back and I couldn't take it anymore.

I curled up into his side and and let it all out through a rain storm of silent tears and heavy breathing.

He held me all night. It was possibly the best and worst moment of my life.


Short shit, hope u enjoyed. Byeeeeeee!

(If you can't tell already, I love angst.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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