Chapter 9: Self Reflection on a brand-new life.

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Out in the distance, a few Greeks gods look over the new soul that has entered the heavenly realm. Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, and many others are curious about the soul's revelations and what he could achieve in his near future in the living realm if given a second chance.

"So, your name is Dawson? It's rather nice to meet you. Name's Zeus, this here is Aphrodite, and the rest are the other unpopular Greeks gods many assume are not as powerful as me. This isn't exactly untrue; if we were to consider the possibilities of all of our power if we combine them all in one room. I am sure you have a lot of questions for me, for the rest as well, but I will take this time for you to take in all of this information." Zeus replied to Dawson appearing before them.

"Gods, Angels, Demons, Spirits or cherubs, or anything else. It will not matter to me. I am not seeking to live with the people of the dead. I do not seek the power of gods nor do I seek the power of hate or even power in general. I seek my own future endeavors with the people of the future. I want to go back and try again and be a better man to people." Dawson spoke saying to the gods and many of the other people within the heavenly realm. Aphrodite poked his nose and Athena; Goddess of war and wisdom poked his forehead; giggling and speaking to him that nothing of that sort is possible and that he must live with his shame of dying and being a failure of a future, he cannot attain. Zeus sigh as the two of the most powerful females in Greek Mythology play with Dawson's feelings for a little bit. Dawson felt a little hurt by the words that they have said to him.

"You call yourselves Gods? You call yourselves goddesses and demi-gods? All of you are fakers. Haven't you ever wanted to feel like going back to the real world and starting fresh? Zeus? Aphrodite? Athena? Heracles!? Surely, I am not the only one who believes this. Do you think by criticizing my actions, you all get a pass!? Condemning, ridiculing me! Maybe that would have rolled off when Jesus arrived and told you guys to be nicer to people who come here but, this stops now. I am tired of being told that my decisions do not matter." Dawson blew off and started shouting at the gods and the rest. Suddenly, it felt like he was transported to a bar. The Mykonos it was known as. A Greek waitress started to bring out drinks for everyone within the Tavern.

"Hey! Who the hell are you and why the hell am I here!?" Dawson grabbed a knife and stabbed the waitress as crimson blood spilled all over the floor. The Waitress chuckled and Dawson only saw a log appear before him and the blood vanished, the waitress used one of her menus and slapped him hard, sending him through a ridiculously hard rock wall within the Tavern's design. "This is Mykonos Tavern. Home to one of the Forgotten ultimate warriors within the Ancient Greek realm. You're a fighter, you fight like one, but.... Are you one from the time you were birth to the time you come here?" She said in a rather broken English/Greek Accent.

"What does it matter? I do not speak for any of you. So why would I, someone who did not want to come here in the first place? Speak to a bunch of nobody's who didn't want to bother to make themselves known again" Dawson yelled. He continued to yell and show how angry he was to be in such a ridiculous place. The warrior, the waitress, the samurai, and the others prepared themselves.

"You fight like a coward. You spit out words like coward, and truly you diminish any probability or possibility of any success in your future adventures or endeavors. Why? You go far, yet slowly... you a glacier. Name is Norima Shingetsu Temper Deanasu, normally my friends call me Mr. Clean shots. Some use the short word of my name, Clean." Clean shot used his sharpest katana in his disposal and swiped right and jabbed a large wound, in what hopes would be a devastating blow to Dawson. However, Dawson wasn't really going to be that stupid. He was not going to let the blade inside of his body and harm him in such a vital way, that could possibly cause him to collapse from lack of blood control and damaged bones. "What the!? You dodged it! With such speed, it's... quite quick... You're more formidable than I first thought."The samurai was acknowledging the power between Dawson and him on a widespread level.

Dawson looked at the Samurai and smirked a little bit. "I don't see many Samurai take shelter in a Greek Tavern usually. You must be at least Japanese, right? There are no Greek Samurai." The Samurai shook his head slightly, he tilted his head left and then right and then decided to rotate his head to try and get the stress out of his mind. He laughed at his comment. "Yes and no. Though I imagine you probably will be surprised by the answer I give." The samurai said to Dawson answering his question as to whether he is Greek or Japanese. Dawson did not like how he was beating around the bush and not giving him a straight answer, though this only enraged him a little further as he was not getting the answers, he wanted at such a quick pace as he is used to when he speaks to other people he knows.

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