Chapter 6: Victory Bloodlines Part 2

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Black thunderbolts roar through the skies tearing down anything that came through. Dawson feeling unable to comprehend the pressure of the air, he held on to his chest hoping something good would come out of it. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! The winds, the pressure, everything is too much for me to handle! W-What is.... WHAT!" His eyes flashed before him. He was in a prison. "W-What is..." Dawson said confused where he was. He looked out the window seeing a fallen dystopian city full of slaves. Many were overworked with what looked to be a century of hard labor. "Is this your first time here?" The stranger said to Dawson as he was looking over the slaves working themselves to death every single day. "Um...yeah. Do you know who is in charge here?" Dawson said confused. The stranger chuckled as she looked over at him with a dumb look. "Hades. God of the Underworld, of course." "This must be a very new experience for you. My understanding is that you've never experienced being dead before, so your mind and body since they're not as connected as your mortal body; makes you feel confused considering you don't know much of what's going on." The stranger said to Dawson trying to help him understand the difference between this world and the realm of the dead.

Dawson scratched his head. He didn't know what to think about all of this suddenly. He felt confused. "I just don't know what to do. I've never been dead before; I don't know anyone in the underworld." The stranger rolled her eyes. She walked towards him handing Dawson tea. "Take a seat. Relax. I am sure all of this must be very new to you. Around these parts, they don't take kindly to newcomers who come here. They treat outsiders like fresh meat. They kill those who are new, but if you listen to me, you won't be disappointed. Your survival will be well kept. Nothing will take you down as long as I am around to see your growth."

"Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. I want to overthrow hades and bring these people back to the mortal land." Dawson said trying to convince the stranger. Of course, the stranger chuckled towards Dawson remark in saving everyone within the realm. "You're foolish to think something like that is possible. However, you are not wrong. There is a way into getting out of here. You need to weaken him though. It will not be easy, so I'll volunteer to help you out. I know some friends here that are willing to help. Do not be afraid, we will get out of here if it's the last thing we do. We know you do not belong here. So, we'll be your strength to overpower the great tyrant. By the way, my name Masako. Tamer of great threats."

"It is nice to meet you Masako, my name is Dawson." Dawson said greeting Masako considering it is their first-time meeting together in the Underworld. Masako and Dawson put their arms together gripping each other's hands tightly. They formed a bond which showed a sigil. A victory bloodline which meant that their power would greatly increase slowly in case they're badly wounded in battle. This sigil cannot be removed even through death. "This mark will be with you for eternity. Even if I die, my mark will grow so that it'll become a Seal of Strength and power. Overtime, it'll allow you to help overcome powerful and immense opponents who try to kill you. Victory bloodlines. You could almost call it a get out of jail free card that sends the opponent depending how many there are, will cause them to be knocked out or die instantly. In this case for hades, it'll temporarily knock him out because he is a god. He is immortal so he can't die." Masako said reassuring how the mark works. She understands that she'll have to explain the abilities it uses.

Out in the open a few unknown characters walktowards Masako with unusual intentions. It was not known if they were friend orfoe; only that they wanted something from the two of them. "Masako." One of thecharacters said to them. "Who is this? This man. He knows nothing of our way.Yet, he has the sigil you have within your left arm. Do you not find it oddthat he is like you?" The strangers said to Masako. "It wouldn't have matteredeither way. He is one of us whether he likes it or not. He can leave at anypoint but that won't solve anything." Masako said reassuring the others thateverything was alright.

Dawson feeling confident decides to go off on his own. He used as much strengthas possible to following the dreaded stench within the darkness. "It's ratherinteresting." He said to himself. "The more I follow the stench, the morelikely I am able to find Hades lair which considering I thought would be harderthan I first though." He said continuing to head deeper into the lair, afterencountering a few arm guards throughout the palace. "Going off on your ownisn't going to make things any easier on you. You have lived through the landof the living. This is your first time within the Land of the dead. So, itwould help us tremendously if you did not just run off on your own so much andlet us give you a hand on how to infiltrate the palace." Masako said asking himto stop and listen to them and her.

"You there." The Guard raised his shield in response after using his DarkVision noticing some circular lifeforms pop up that looked to be the size ofhalf living dead souls. "Who goes there? You are not going to be safe if youkeep hiding like that; so just show yourself and everything will be settledeasily without any bloodshed. Our lord would not want you to die and neitherwould we. We ask that you stand down now. Do you comply? If not, then I amafraid neither of us are within any sort of agreement." Masako grabbed her bow."You there stop! Firing on a guard is an act of treason against underworld law.You do know this, do you not?!" The Guard lectured Masako as she took her bow slowlyaiming it at them. "Yes, I am aware of that. However, being Hades henchmen doesget tiring. Don't you get tired of helping him out every single time?" Theguards look at themselves. Each of them have a rather odd look on their facesconsidering the question came out of the blue. It was almost like she wasforcing them to realize if this is something that was still important to them.

"Fool. You cannot sway us like that. It'll take more then that to get rid ofour loyalty of our lord if you think cheap tricks will do anything." Masakosaid as the guards seemed more aggressive this time around. "I'm not about to losethis chance to killing you four." The guard said readying his sword about tostrike. He jumped up trying to connect the sword towards Masako's waist. "Notbad, but this isn't the first time I have wielded a blade. Die already!"

"Strike first, do not let them get the upper hand. If you slip even once, we'llboth be in trouble." Masako said to Dawson. She signaled the attack towards theguards instantly. "Come, we must not waste anymore time then we have already. "We'vedone all we could to stall them, now we strike with precision and accuracy sothat they have no choice but to run like dogs. Scared, unable to continue." Shechuckled at the prospect of them in a lot of pain.

Dawson used all the strength he could to fight. He punched the guards sendingthem towards the gates. Little by little he gained momentum every time heattacked and struck them with ease. He was not going to let them win. He wantedthe people within this world to lead great lives without the need of beingjudged for their mistakes that they have made in the past. He made his way pastthe great Hellish Hallway where all the guards usually meet up, from there he openedeach door hoping someone, or something would be there at least. "Damn. Wherethe hell is Hades? He should be here. This is his home after all. I recallthere needed to be a secret entrance to get to Hades. Maybe if I just—" All ofa sudden Dawson moved a structural rock that opened up a secret door. Hestarted walking down a few stairs going down to the first floor. Down there amysterious figure shrouded in flames and had a human like figure approachedDawson. It was almost like he/she was expecting him to arrive.

"Boy. Sit down." The mysterious figure spoke to Dawson asking him to sit.Dawson reluctantly decided to sit upon the figure's directive orders. "I havenoticed you've infiltrated my realm in hopes to bring these slaves to themortal realm for a better life, yes?" Narrowing his eyes. The Figure took out aarrow. "You do know who I am, right? I am Hades. God of the Underworld. TheTerror of Death." Hades used all his power at that given moment to create ashockwave around Dawson. Dawson stumbled dodging at the right second to try andavoid the fatal blow from Hade's blade. "Well met. Good to know I am going todo my best into killing you now, Dawson!" Hades yelled loudly about to strike. 

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